Instant Pot Turkey Chili- Everyday Food with Sarah Carey

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Sarah Carey shows us that browning the ground turkey and aromatics on the “Saute” setting of the Instant Pot before simmering is essential for depth of flavor in …

26 replies
  1. Big Mo
    Big Mo says:

    Why did they block out the brand during the close up of the insta-pot? You could still see the “Martha” logo in other shots? Isn’t this a Martha channel? Why block your own logo?

  2. Maria
    Maria says:

    I enjoy your videos &all your dishes,I use to watch you On TV,but Sorry I made chilie today & it is a lot better than your turkey chilie.🙆🌈😀

  3. Aaden Trn
    Aaden Trn says:

    Honestly, it's pointless to cook turkey chili in an instant pot cuz it's not a tough cut of meat. You can cook it in about the same time as a stove. Once you saute and add everything together, let it simmer for about 20-30 min. If you cook turkey for too long it becomes gritty and dry. The same thing with beef. You want beef to be tender with some texture. I hate when beef is cooked for so long it becomes stringy. That's just my personal preference.

  4. Abraham Hernandez
    Abraham Hernandez says:

    I loved the recipe but I didn’t liked the pressure cooker at all… first the bowl was moving around as she was stirring so she had to actually hold the thing with a towel. Second… the pressure cooker did almost nothing you could actually do over the stove in this particular recipe


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