Instant Pot Taiwanese Braised Pork Belly (Lu Rou Fan)

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Recipe for Instant Pot Braised Pork Belly:

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Marinated soft boiled egg:

Just like the famous red braised pork belly in mainland China, lu rou fan (卤肉饭/滷肉饭, braised pork belly with rice) is one of the most popular comfort foods in Taiwan. There’s another variation that uses ground pork instead of pork belly.

Braised pork belly over rice is an iconic Taiwanese comfort food. The pork is cooked in a sweet and savory sauce until the skin is melt in your mouth soft and unctuous, making the meat even more succulent and flavorful. This is one of our favorite dishes that we hope you’ll love as much as we do!

Making lu rou fan in a clay pot or regular saucepan on the stove top can be tricky sometimes. Since it has to be slow cooked for at least 1 hour to make the pork belly tender and juicy, you need to keep an eye on the water level during cooking and stir occasionally so that it doesn’t dry out and the bottom is not burnt. I’ve made these mistakes before. Also if the cooking time is too short, the pork belly will be dry and hard.

Traditionally, you can add cooked eggs to the pot along with the pork and make soy eggs, but I don’t like the overcooked egg yolks. So I make the soy eggs separately using the tare sauce from this shoyu ramen recipe for marinating soft boiled eggs.

Please make sure you read the notes at the end of the recipe for extra tips and substitution suggestions.

If you make this recipe, please share a photo of your creations and use hashtag #iceorrice on Instagram and Facebook! We’d love to see them. Thank you!

26 replies
  1. Kevin Huang
    Kevin Huang says:

    Excellent recipe. I do this even simpler. I simply add pork belly and soy sauce and then use the SLOW COOKER function for like 6 hours on my tabletop pressure cooker. My own personal preference is for a very simple tasting pork belly with only soy sauce as the single seasoning.

  2. Fayni Sung
    Fayni Sung says:

    Love this recipe. I used this so many times and my family loves it. Can you add more authentic Chinese recipes using Instant Pot? Thank you for sharing your cooking skills.

  3. Truth Hurts
    Truth Hurts says:

    Thank you for sharing.
    Craving for this, after watching Mike Chen video eating braised pork bowl in Taiwan.
    So the closest I could do to try this by not going to Taiwan is cookng it by myself. Thanks again, saves me round trip ticket to taiwan. 👍☺

  4. george louie
    george louie says:

    I've had this in bookmarked for awhile now, just got around to making it tonight inmy Instant Pot! Came out delicious!! So good… I doubled up the recipe and it easily fit into my IP.

  5. eltubo242
    eltubo242 says:

    looks really good but is there anything i can substitute the shaoxing wine with? also whats the difference between regular soy sauce and chinese? can they be substituted and if so how the flavor will change? I don't that much space and my cupboard is spitting spices every time i open it, thanks 🙂

  6. Blair Blanks
    Blair Blanks says:

    This was very good but next time I will put the star anise and cinnamon in a tea strainer. They broke up during cooking and mixed into the broth, so some bites had a big chunk of star anise or cinnamon, which was not good.

  7. Sandy's Kitchen
    Sandy's Kitchen says:

    I love lu rou fan so so much. I noticed that you added mushroom which is very interesting. May I know if it's your own cooking style or this is how authentic lu rou fan supposed to be?

  8. CutieMoli
    CutieMoli says:

    Thank you so much for this recipe. I've been looking everywhere for a way to make this dish without a slow cooker and make it look as delicious as the one I had in Taiwan! I'll definitely try this next week!


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