Instant Pot Stuffed Artichokes

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When my dear, old friend Josh told me I should try converting his mother, Joyce’s famed stuffed artichokes into the Instant Pot, I knew he was onto something.

31 replies
  1. cherylskates
    cherylskates says:

    You are amazing!!! I was wondering if these could be done in the instant pot. Trying these soon. I do mine slightly different. Don't discard the stems. Chop some of it and add to the stuffing mix – adds flavor. I also add olive oil right into the stuffing mix and put tomato sauce on top of the artichokes. Do yummy!! Thanks!!!

  2. jessica c
    jessica c says:

    This is the first thing I made in my instant pot and oh boy… really really strong in the black pepper. I would add a fourth of the recommended amount and no salt if you use the kraft parmesan.

  3. Adam Holt
    Adam Holt says:

    Tip that I found on another video… Don't throw away the stem. Cut off the woody part (the hard skin) and put it in the instant pot with the artichoke. If you get off all the woody part it becomes similar to the heart and very very tasty. On the other hand if you don't get off all the woody skin, it's near impossible to chew.

  4. Bill Foreman
    Bill Foreman says:

    I tried this one and am in love with it! I did not make enough 'stuffing' but will next time and I might try 15 minutes instead of 20 because I like me stems with a little more bite to them – Fantastic recipe!

  5. Yvonne Keene
    Yvonne Keene says:

    I love your videos. I have bought an Instant Pot for Christmas 2018. (I haven't opened it yet). Can't wait to try some of your recipes. I watch videos from a lady that has since passed (Great Depression Cooking). She cooks "depression" style recipes. Everything is homemade of course. She does have a recipe for stuffed artichokes, and when I saw your video, it reminded me of her video. Here is a link to her video – I will be trying your video soon. THANK YOU for all your great cooking ideas.

  6. Владимир Репин
    Владимир Репин says:

    I use my pressure cooker every single day. I love cooking with it.>>> I want to get a second one just the cook additional dishes on the side. Sometimes, when I put the lid on, it seems as if it is locked, but it isn't. I will have to readjust the lid which can slow down my cooking time. I'm pleased overall. I like the look of it. I enjoy the ease of cooking with it. Excellent item.

  7. RE Ohtz
    RE Ohtz says:

    Never throw away the stem. Cut the bottom off, peel the sides, and cook it with the whole artichokes in the pot. It's sooooo good! Try adding some pancetta and freshly chopped Italian parsley to your cheese mixture for an even more flavorful stuffing.

  8. Tina Nichols
    Tina Nichols says:

    I just got an Ultra 6qt. I want to make these tomorrow but 2 instead of four. What time adjustment would you recommend? Also I do enjoy your videos but giving more details such as what model you are using, size model you are using would be helpful. I'm such a newbie but have written recipes for blogs before and know that when you write down a recipe for someone you include every minute detail. But super excited to try this recipe! Thank you!

  9. cori51480
    cori51480 says:

    I tried this tonight and I had to cook 2 artichoke for 25 minutes. Also, the stuffing was way too salty for my liking. I do like that I can cook artichoke in the IP though, this recipe is just not for me.

  10. Rena Daniel
    Rena Daniel says:

    just an FYI. A friend of mine told me you could remove the center prickly leaves and the "hairy" part before you cook them. She uses a grapefruit spoon because it has the serrated edges which makes it even easier to remove that stuff. Just thought you might want to try it that way. Hey…taking that stuff out will also let you put in more stuffing!!! In my opinion…….it's a win-win!!!

  11. Angie Cummings
    Angie Cummings says:

    I made these last night for my family–they were so good! I was only able to fit 3 in my pot so I was wondering what size pot you have? I'm guessing my artichokes were just big because they also needed more than 10 minutes. Thank you so much for your videos; you have some amazing looking recipes. I'll be trying more in the future.

  12. CarS
    CarS says:

    I've tried artichokes once in the pressure cooker and they were very, very good. I was wondering, though, if this filling isn't a bit salty with all that parmesan cheese? My Mom used to mix bread crumbs and the cheese to stuff them with. Either way, you're absolutely right that if our Mom's had used a pressure cooker, they'd have had so much more time to do other things for themselves. Thanks for sharing another recipe! 🙂


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