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19 replies
  1. Chelle Copley
    Chelle Copley says:

    always use your celery tops/leaves, it gives such a fantastic flavor! Of course I always tossed them too when I was young but over time I learned to use them and thought I'd share! Looks delish Alyssa!

  2. Madeline Faye
    Madeline Faye says:

    When I'm sick, I like to make a more aromatic chicken soup. I make it the same way as you but I add garlic, onion, rosemary, lemongrass, ginger, lemon juice and chilli. It's warming and tasty and it really helps clear blocked sinuses. I just recovered from covid and the only things I could taste were garlic, salt, and chilli so the soup hit differently 😂♥️

  3. Heidi Foley
    Heidi Foley says:

    Looks delicious, but no onion, and to make a homemade stock just boil your chicken with some onion carrots and celery for about an hour and have homemade stock or broth and you can use those veggies in the soup if you like if not discard and use new

  4. Suzy Infante
    Suzy Infante says:

    For a different idea for seasoning… try Vegeta. You can now get it on Amazon.. my parents are from Europe and they've been making it with just vegeta, (the mrs dash added would be amazing too with it) as it has salt in it already.. it's incredible. I have converted a lot of friends to it.. this is such an easy recipe!! Thank you Alyssa!! I can't wait to try!!🌸💖✨

  5. Nothing Rhymes With Megan
    Nothing Rhymes With Megan says:

    If you can find the Better than Boullion paste, it's SO GOOD. They have a few different flavors, and I cook my regular pasta (for spaghetti or whatever) in water with a spoonful of the BTB. Packs a huge flavor punch and makes even a homemade or store bought stock have more richness and depth of flavor. You definitely could do the same thing with the powder, though.

  6. Iris
    Iris says:

    Looks delicious. Will definitely be trying this. I usually just dump everything in the pot and cook it all together…this method looks like it’s more flavourful.


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