Instant Pot Shredded Beef Ragu

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Hi everyone! Well this recipe is so delicious and I sure hope you try it. Now I didn’t use the red wine that is usually called for. But we just don’t care for that flavor.

11 replies
  1. Glenda Sully
    Glenda Sully says:

    I saw you, Ella! Now I've never seen beef cooked that way before but oh my goodness it looks so delicious! What is the name of those noodles & where to buy them? Awwe. Thanks for mentioning me. You're very kind

  2. Victoria Reggio
    Victoria Reggio says:

    This looks fantastic! I also use Cento but I have to find that tomato paste in a tube. I don't like when the paste comes in small cans-you never use it all. Thanks again for another great recipe.

  3. Hope Love Faith
    Hope Love Faith says:

    Hey Tressa! you've created the most delicious looking meal!!
    You were soo organised with so many things going at once!! well done, everything was cooked to perfection!! Your channel and your confidence is improving all the time & its a great pleasure to watch!!
    🌸 love ya dear friend 🌸xx

  4. Me You
    Me You says:

    It looks yummy-licious!!! I learned something…. I use my Crock-Pot once in awhile. ( do you have any Crock-Pot recipes?) and when I cook a roast, I will brown the sides. I never thought of cutting it into chunks, then browning ….it gives it more browning and seasoning area…so obvious now!!


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