Instant Pot Rosemary Olive Oil BEER BREAD! | Vanlife RV Cooking

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Want to make bread in your Instant Pot, but don’t have any yeast at home? Never fear— you’ve come to the right place! In this video, I’ll show you How to make …

10 replies
  1. Charles Aucoin
    Charles Aucoin says:

    Thanks April, I am so glad you showed if you have self rising flour. Because I can't go out a neighbor went to store and got 5 lbs of self rising flour for me.( only kind in store) and I was looking for uses for it. Wish I had a insta pot but will bake in oven. You are so good at demonstrating and explaining each process in the recipe . Thanks for a glimpse at your outtakes. It shows how hard you guys work at making these videos Thanks for sharing your adventures. Looking forward to your next one . Be safe my friends

  2. Kathryn Cleveland
    Kathryn Cleveland says:

    That looks really good. I baked 6 loaves of Spelt Bread yesterday. I've been grinding my grains fresh for our bread for several years. My ex, who I share my home with, is diabetic and cannot eat wheat but spelt does not push up his sugar. I've been wondering what I would do for our bread if we were to have the pleasure of doing some van travel. I can see your recipe working well quite well with spelt. Not sure if I would need to take along my electric grinder or just my hand grinder, but one way or the other I could make it work. Thanks for the video and the recipe!!

  3. CITAP1
    CITAP1 says:

    I'm going to have to go with carmelized in salted butter, garlic on my slice. Looks really awesome. Stores have been out of flour here in Seattle. I've been wanting to make bread with fresh carmelized garlic and rosemary folded into it. I did make a couple loaves of honey wheat and oat bread. My tastebuds are still coming down from that. Take care and Happy Quarantine!


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