Instant Pot Roasted Garlic

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Recipe Here!: Garlic is just one of those things that makes a recipe really sing. But garlic is also …

30 replies
  1. stephenf99 stephenf99
    stephenf99 stephenf99 says:

    I just got interested in making black garlic. Care to experiment and report your results? There are a few machines dedicated to this, but it can be made in a rice cooker set on warm. One lady doing this mentioned that 140 degrees F worked well. Black garlic has more nutrients in it and has a sweet, mild taste. It takes 8 to 14 days…most say around 12 days. Most also warn to make it outside or in a garage, as the strong garlic odor will be present the first few days of the process.

  2. Anita CV
    Anita CV says:

    Did 2 of these today and then added a smushed up clove to your tzatziki recipe since I can't get the BTB Garlic where I am. Turned out sooo good. This was so easy and quick to do. Couldn't get mine to pop as nice as you did so my hands were a mess by the time I was finished.

  3. MiMi Marks
    MiMi Marks says:

    Hey Jeff! Just wondering…when you say to put 1 cup of water in the Instant Pot…does it matter the size instant pot you're using? Does the 8 quart require more water? Thanks in advance for your reply!

  4. Pharmer David
    Pharmer David says:

    The steaming first wasn't needed, and cooking on aluminum isn't a good idea. Cook the garlic covered in ceramic, or even steel baking pans, with another pan covering it, or even aluminum foil over the top, but NOT TOUCHING the garlic (they react). I like to wait until the garlic is brown-black first, more than this.

    EDIT: In these garlic roasting videos, I always see people cutting off the tops, but then what happens to the garlic in the tops? Why not cut them in HALF instead, so you can squirt cartelized garlic out of both sides, with little waste? Please don't use aluminum, however, except if it isn't touching the garlic. Use ceramic, glass, or steel baking pans – it's fine to cover with aluminum no touching the garlic. The chemicals in garlic can react with aluminum, is why I warn against it, plus you can TASTE it, and aluminum doesn't taste good to me…..!

  5. Phillip Andrew Boyd
    Phillip Andrew Boyd says:

    Love your vids and saw this yesterday and had to try it today. Yes, so easy and quick. My husband bought me a instant pot for Christmas . Best gift ever…. Have made Chili and cooked a whole chicken. Thanx for inspiring me.

  6. Chet Gravatt
    Chet Gravatt says:

    You are a trip, great and fun videos good info. Made garlic butter then put on Italian bread in the oven to warm mmmm gooood. I am using this to add to my egg roll and won-ton filling and other Asian foods I cook from scratch.

  7. OksanaE
    OksanaE says:

    What a great idea! I just bought a garlic bulb to roast for the chicken soup recipe and now I can do it in 20 min. And with Ninja Foodi I don't have to use the oven, will roast the bulb right there. Awesome!


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