Instant Pot Rigatoni Alla Vodka

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25 replies
  1. MiMi Marks
    MiMi Marks says:

    Hey Jeff! Just wondering if having vodka (where you haven't let the alcohol evaporate) in a recipe and pressurizing the pot ok..or should you let the alcohol evaporate first? Does it make a difference?

  2. CosmicBrambleclawV2
    CosmicBrambleclawV2 says:

    I absolutely love pasta ala vodka, super glad to find a instant pot recipe 😀 (just got a pot and wanted to get cooking with it)

    The only issue I've noticed is my 6 quart Lux model doesn't allow adjustment of pressure in manual mode

  3. Виктор Сапожник
    Виктор Сапожник says:

    I use my pressure cooker every single day. I love cooking with it.>>> I want to get a second one just the cook additional dishes on the side. Sometimes, when I put the lid on, it seems as if it is locked, but it isn't. I will have to readjust the lid which can slow down my cooking time. I'm pleased overall. I like the look of it. I enjoy the ease of cooking with it. Excellent item.

  4. Gene Park
    Gene Park says:

    Why not add the vodka at the last before the heat starts to evaporate it? Back in the middle of the last century when I was learning to cook in an old hotel, old hash house cooks usually had a cup to drink for each cup for the pot. That's why parsley was used as a garnish so that the cooks could cover the alcohol on their breath by eating parsley.

  5. Amy Birnbaum
    Amy Birnbaum says:

    OOMPH! Who needs to go to Italy when you have it right here in your kitchen! Not only was this meal delicious, your videos are so entertaining. You have a great, clear speaking voice. Have you done any voice over work?

  6. Joanie Y.
    Joanie Y. says:

    This looks delicious, Jeffrey! I'm putting it on the menu, but I must first make a stop at Costco to get Victoria's White Linen!!! As you know, I already made your beautiful chicken noodle soup and I can't believe how good it was…so good that I'm making it again this week! That recipe is money!!! I have to try the spaghetti squash too! Please keep the videos coming… you are awesome! ☺️

  7. Jeff Ockert
    Jeff Ockert says:

    Looks so good. Love all your videos Jeff. I just decided this is what I am making for my family tonight when I get home from work. I just so happen to have some leftover vodka from this weekend. By the way I made the spaghetti squash with the marinara and my 19 yr old son said "Holy crap dad why have you deprived me of this my whole life." Was priceless to hear. Thank you for the great ideas.


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