Instant Pot Rice! Under Beef Veggie Stir-Fry!

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30 replies
  1. Robert Kolakowski
    Robert Kolakowski says:

    My wife follows your lead, except for canning, but tips, saving money, recipes. Compliments to the chef. When will you give us a "How How Does it? ________________________________________________________________________________ OVER DO!! LOL!

  2. Diana Tennant
    Diana Tennant says:

    There is a learning curve to the instant pot Bev and it is a slick one. Some things you're going to like cooking in it a lot some things you're going to have to do a couple experiments and they're still a maybe. Then for us there are a couple that are just no we're not going to do this again. Try some dried beans in there I think you will love them put some seasoning in and maybe a piece of meat whatever you use for flavoring that is one of those great things. We have completely not learned ours and probably do not use it as much as we should just because sometimes we don't want to think about what we have to do with the instant pot and we know snow how to cook it on top of the stove. And yes as you can see I've always more said instapot instead of instant pot also but I think for some things and maybe even in the coach it would be ideal you just need to come up with some things to do with it to use it most wisely for you. Bless you Bev

  3. Nanci
    Nanci says:

    hi hi i saw you put your sesame oil in fridge? Did not know it should be refridgerated. but you only need so little in cooking so yeah i guess i better

  4. Becky Wolfe
    Becky Wolfe says:

    I knew you'd get it! And it's okay to let Gracie drink her water, when our Lab was with us every time we were cooking she became the thirstiest dog in the world because that was the only thing she was allowed to do in the kitchen while we were cooking That was her workaround! I miss her.

  5. G S
    G S says:

    Love your videos. Especially yesterdays Insta Pot when it start to vent. i got a could laugh out of it. My son got me one and i have yet to try it.


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