Instant Pot Recipes For Beginners

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Today I’m sharing 3 easy Instant Pot Recipes For Beginners. These dinner recipes are perfect for beginners! Instant Pot – (affiliate link, …

37 replies
  1. G Kanegae
    G Kanegae says:

    turn the ribs on the side instead of flat, you can put 2 full racks of St Louis or Baby Back ribs in the 6 or 8 quart instant pot for 35 minutes… I like Dr Pepper ribs (Dr Pepper for the liquid)

  2. Sami C
    Sami C says:

    Hello and thank you for explaining stuff, I love to cook but when I was given this for my birthday a few months ago I loved it I'm looking at it but I've never used it yet I saw your first one and my instapot is a dual Plus and I don't have a manual button to press like you were talking about. So is mine difference because it is a 9 in 1 6 quarts dual Plus? Please I need help I want to use this

  3. David Oltman
    David Oltman says:

    I made the spaghetti tonight and it was great! A couple observations: My spaghetti came out a little "al dente". I may add a couple minutes next time. Also, some of my spaghetti noodles got bunched up and stuck together. Next time I'm gonna make sure they are really spread around before closing the lid.

  4. Jade Bell
    Jade Bell says:

    Don’t stack the ribs stand them on their side so they all cook evenly… and a little less time is needed to cook .. also no need to cut them in sections just coil them around in the pot it works just fine the stacking thing works best when you don’t want something as done as the others your cooking.. this method works. Eat for me.

  5. Sky Thomas
    Sky Thomas says:

    I made the spaghetti tonight in my insta pot, it was only the third time using it so far. It turned out delicious and I'll be making it more often. You should make a playlist of all your videos to do with the insta pot. I love watching yours and six sisters in order to figure out what to make. I have learned quickly that I love it and need to get a bigger size. I have the instant pot duo mini. I adore it but its not big enough. I've started making a pot of whatever I'm making and freezing portions so that I don't have to cook when my chronic pain and illness prevent it. I can just take something out of the freezer that morning even and let it thaw to have for dinner that night. Sometimes I don't know when my fibromyalgia is going to act up. The winter is the hardest for me and even with my vision issues I'm using it and doing well. My CNIB Canadian National Institute for the Blind instructor who comes to my home was amazed by it as it was her first time using one with me. We are talking about starting a group for instant pots where those that come to get one to take home. I would be working in that group and loving it. Thank you for introducing me to the instant pot. I wouldn't have known about it if not for you have it in your videos which I watch all the time.

  6. Ada Pickett
    Ada Pickett says:

    I take my rack of ribs and stand them on their side and run them around the outer sides of the pot, cook on high pressure for 35 minutes and they are so tender, falling off the bone.👍😊❤

  7. Michael Blanford
    Michael Blanford says:

    I have an insta pot on the way to my home…. I would like to try these but on keto…. And too much work for my chicken…. Just going to try with breasts and hwc & butter . 🙂 Great video BTW 🙂


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