Instant Pot Pumpkin Sausage Pasta

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On a recent trip to the market, I recently discovered a pasta called Zucca (also known as Zuchette) and I was immediately taken …

24 replies
  1. Jim Decker
    Jim Decker says:

    Okay, so long story short. I sat down with my cup of coffee this morning to surf the interwebs, clicked on Youtube and what was the 1st thing I saw? This video at the top of my main page. I said out loud "No cluckin way! That's perfect for this time of year!". (You know I didn't really say "cluckin" right?) Then I made my list and headed to the grocery store to get my ingredients. I couldn't find Zucca pasta so shells are going to have to do this time around. Can you guess whats building up pressure in Mr. Instant Pot right now? That's right, Instant Pot Sausage Pasta. We're going to be eating well this afternoon.

    Update: I wanted to try this because I really couldn't imagine what the combination of hot sausage and pumpkin covered in cheese would taste like. Now I'm stuffed. I probably shouldn't have had that 2nd helping but it was really good.

  2. nick bangkok
    nick bangkok says:

    Great recipe Jeffrey! I'm trying it. Without the maple syrup. I know inflation is mad now and the USD is going to the moon, but practically the only American made sausage we can get here is Johnsonville. Which I love but its 12 bucks a pound here now. How's that compare to the US? Also, I'm so glad you give a generic cream cheese recommendation now. I love Boursin, but I'll have to sell a kidney to afford it here now

  3. Brandi J Rivera
    Brandi J Rivera says:

    HiJeff, I see the recommendations for a meal chopper, don’t know what I would without mine, it also saves time. Also I’m not a huge pumpkin lover can I substitute with sweet potato purée? Love that pasta with check for it in my stores. Thanks.


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