Instant Pot Pulled Pork

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Recipe Here!: This little piggy went to market… Pulled Pork. Another thing everyone’s been asking …

33 replies
  1. DyesubDave
    DyesubDave says:

    NICE! However when I make pulled pork I reduce the juice it was cooked in and add my BBQ sauce and other flavorings to that. When it seems like the right consistency I add the pork back into the reduced sauce. No sense wasting all that fantastic flavor in the juices! I can't wait to try this in my Instant Pot instead of the slow cooker.


    Bought my first for Xmas this year… I love your instant pot videos… best on Youtube… but that stand mixer pulverized the texture right out of your recipe. I'll keep watching… even though I now know you are mortal. LOL 🙂

  3. Carol Stockfleth
    Carol Stockfleth says:

    Make 7 lbs of pulled pork using your recipe last night. Oh my this is delicious! I just shredded with 2 forks, it was soooo tender. And the FLAVOR, is great. I just doubled everything because I was cooking a bigger pork shoulder.

  4. Scarlett
    Scarlett says:

    Not a fan of the mixer method of pulling any meat. We much prefer our meat chunkier. But, OMG, this is divine! With dusted onions on the bun and coleslaw on the side. Amazing!

  5. Toni Lyng
    Toni Lyng says:

    I love this recipe. Unfortunately, I could not find Liquid Smoke here in France. No matter; I improvised using the Jack Daniels BBQ Sauce Smokey Flavour and added a bit of honey vinegar. I used Dr Pepper for the liquid. Using your instructions, it turned out great. My husband loves the IP. He seriously thought it was going to sit on the counter unused. How wrong he was. I make a great Boeuf Bourguignon in it as well. I will now share my secret ingredient for BB…you can’t tell anybody…swear? Ok, here it is…I add a couple of beef marrow bones to enhance the texture and flavour. I do the same for Irish Stew. Thanks again for your hard work and give my kind regards to Richard and of course Banjo.


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