Instant Pot Mini (3qt) Accessories!

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22 replies
  1. Fred Woods
    Fred Woods says:

    Just purchased a 3 qt cooker. Enjoyed your video, I plan to use your recommendations. Would please recommend a 3qt mini cook book so i don't waste money on inadequate books not for this size cooker. THANK YOU

  2. Sharon Lee Lockhart
    Sharon Lee Lockhart says:

    What a great review of this pot. Thank You, you made me want to go buy one, or order one from Amazon. A great review that shows the best and the better of these pots and how easy they are ut use and cook in.

  3. Bunny Bgood
    Bunny Bgood says:

    Hi Indigo Nili, just a friendly fyi. You might want to provide a link to your store on Amazon Smile also (for those of us who like donating to causes). I'm having a hard time finding you on there. Indigo Niki comes up but not you. Thanks.

  4. Rosa Castro
    Rosa Castro says:

    I am wondering why did you put a link for the 6 quart instant pot when this video is about the 3 quarts? I do however love the suggestions since I can't obtain some of the items for the 3 quarts here in Sweden since many sellers do not deliver to Sweden. :(. Therefore, I truly appreciate all the amazing suggestions

  5. Marie Prescott
    Marie Prescott says:

    I have been cooking for 50 yrs…in the deep south. I am getting the Mini Instant Pot and the XXL Phillips Air Fryer because I do not have a stove right now. I love your i a far cry from my home economics teacher in the 70s ! Very infomative..I think I have this down now ! You are a natural teacher..what a gift to us all.

  6. LottaTroublemaker
    LottaTroublemaker says:

    It is the smallest of the Instant Pot brand, but Cosori has a 2 quart one which is at least as great as the IP (comes with more accessories included, is even easier to use etc). For my use, it is a little small though, so when I now (FINALLY!) found a 220-240V version of the IP Mini, I just bought it! Soooooo happy! The little one will get a new home… ☺️

  7. Lisa Schnelle
    Lisa Schnelle says:

    I just found this video and am so happy with the information (I just got a 3qt mini) that I subscribed to your channel! I'll also be purchasing some of the items from your link list. Thank you!


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