Instant Pot Greek Youvetsi (Ready in under 60 Mins!)

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24 replies
  1. Natalia Greco
    Natalia Greco says:

    Demitra, your Yuvetsi not only looks good – but you look gorgeous! Your hair down, you lost weight, you're tan – you're a Greek Goddess! Greece has been very good to you ~♡~ Efgaristo poli poli!

  2. Cynthia Nelson
    Cynthia Nelson says:

    I possess garlic a couple of ways. I make a fpaste and freeze in ice cube trays then transfer into a air tight container. I also cut into slices or ruff chop and put in a big jar with olive oil. Not only does this save time the oil is flavored. Delicious!!!!

  3. Princess
    Princess says:

    I felt the same way about pressure cookers but I did get one a while back have been using it to cook meat in there for stews and it is faster. Yes please make more videos with instapots. Mine doesn’t have the sauté button but i usually do it on the stove

  4. Alexander K.
    Alexander K. says:

    Dear Dimitra, I got my Instant Pot Mini two years ago on Amazon, but unpacked and started to use it only a year and half later — for some people it does take time to appreciate the new technology! At this point I am quite happy with the Pot and will try new things as it goes. Thank you so much for your YouTube!


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