#instant pot ~ easy to peel fresh eggs!

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

Thanks for watching! loridianebrown@gmail.com.

22 replies
  1. Rose Miller
    Rose Miller says:

    I have had my Insta Pot for about 6 months now. I Love it, and fixing a slab of ribs in it ( approx. 35 min.) falling off the bone.It is a real time savor for a single person that is all alone, and everything. Is wonderful. I use mine alot

  2. Kevin Baker
    Kevin Baker says:

    Ms Lori, I was wondering if you have tried using your instant pot for canning food. I got one, but haven't used it yet, so I haven't figured out what all I can use it for, other than cooking.

  3. Patti L
    Patti L says:

    I watched you peel these eggs and I have learned a method that is even better than this. Try this. I saw Tammy on Collard Valley Cooks do this and I tried it and was BLOWN AWAY!!! Bring water to a boil first, then gently spoon in cold eggs right from the refrigerator. Bring back to boil and set timer for 12 minutes. Take from heat and run cold water from the tap into the pan until the water is cooled. Gently crack the shells all over and start peeling. The shells practically fall off the eggs with very little effort. AMAZING! Try it! Even works with fresh yard eggs

  4. Hammy K
    Hammy K says:

    Have you ever heard of putting your homegrown unwashed eggs in lime water in a gallon jar? It is said you can water glass eggs for up to 2 years on your pantry shelf. This doesn't work with store bought because all the protective coating (bloom) is washed off the shell. It is said the lime water fills in all the pores of the egg and encases them in a shell of glass. A gallon size container will store about 40 eggs. Just wash the eggs well when you go to use them so they wont taste like lime. If you have ever heard of this I would certainly love to hear your thoughts.

  5. Patty H
    Patty H says:

    I love cooking eggs in my IP! I had the same experience as you. Rarely cooked hard boiled eggs before getting my IP. Now I make deviled eggs for every gathering. ☺️


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