Instant Pot Chicken and Dumplins

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Instant Pot Chicken and Dumplins Full Recipe Here:

18 replies
  1. christina gaffney
    christina gaffney says:

    how does everyone get their carrots to cook properly with all the other veggies? Mine always come out still hard even cut small they take longer than all other items in the pot I'm stumped it's a true mystery for me this looks so delicious but i know those carrots will be too hard for our liking enjoying the video ty for sharing

  2. Jesse Jones
    Jesse Jones says:

    This instant pot is really really good to use>>> I really saved a lot of time to watch the fire stew, and the soup taste really good too , I can prepare the cooking, don't have to wait it all the time, after i finish cook other dishes, soup is cook complete too. super time saving, simple and convenient to use

  3. Flutterrbye Soon
    Flutterrbye Soon says:

    I really enjoyed your video. I have the same problem, small kitchen and electric stove ( which I haven't used in years). But what I did do, is gave myself more counter space. I measured the top of my stove, went to Home Depot and had them cut a piece of plywood to cover my stove, you may even be able to get one that is pre cut. Make sure its thick. I picked out a few pieces of smooth thick tile, ( the peel and stick type). They sell little screw on legs, to bring it above your burners. I painted the edges of my wood to match the tile. When I got home, I measured the flat surface of my stove, I screwed the legs on to rest on the surface, (if you have a drill, predrill your holes). Paint the sides of your board, set your tile on top of the wood to see how you want it. Use a good razor knife to cut if needed. Peel and stick. You now have more counter space, if it's big enough, you can also use it over your sink. When you need to use your stove, just tuck it somewhere. Also, I pulled the knobs off of the stove, so they don't accidentally get turned on.

  4. Tony O
    Tony O says:

    So far, you are working WAAAYYY to hard at your chopping skilz hunny hahahha, way too much work, might need to do some youtube searches on chopping veggies, you get there, but take the long long way hahaha

  5. Linda Segraves
    Linda Segraves says:

    I Love chicken & dumplings. Next time roll your dumplings with a real glass. It is also great to use for biscuits or pie crust. Use the top of the class to cut the round biscuits. A tip to make it easier when cutting up celery or carrots, from the large end cut a slit up to the part of the carrot or celery that you only want cut into small pieces ( from large to small slit) then use your slicer. This way you won't have to cut your celery or carrots into smaller pieces. I hope this helps you and you understand what I am expressing. Thanks for your video's.


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