Instant Pot Beef Stew Recipe

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I like making things. Which includes food. Here’s how I make low salt Beef Stew in a Crock Pot brand Instant Pot. Enjoy! Want to buy it on Amazon?

48 replies
  1. Otaku no Podcast
    Otaku no Podcast says:

    Years ago, a friend gave me a Williams-Sonoma gift certificate for Christmas. I got myself one of these (except mine is a Cuisinart) at their after Christmas sale. It was open box, but it had all the parts as well as the manual, and since it was open box, I got it at a ridiculous markdown. Then a month or so later we moved, and I had no idea where the movers put the thing in the new place, so I kinda forgot about it. Fast forward to last weekend, I was cleaning out the closets, and lo and behold, there it was, way in the very back of the closet in our guest room. So tonight I decided to try a variant of your beef stew, just to make sure the darn thing still worked. (It does!) Had to make my own spice blend because I didn't happen to have any Wun-doe-musโ„ข lying around. Also I used stew meat, because I like a more chunky texture to my meat. Anyway it turned out GREAT. I think I'm gonna like using this thing. P.s.: Your 3D printer analogy gave me a chuckle. Also "Oh no! My lights!" ๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. pikadroo
    pikadroo says:

    Omg! Parents and onions wth! Onions taste like a mouth full of pennies to me. Unless they are finely sliced, they are good as a seasoning my parents eat them like they are apples, what must other stuff taste like to them!? Yeah, so I am glad i am not the only one with onion crazed parents.

  3. ColdShoulderMedia
    ColdShoulderMedia says:

    Hey Ben, a few tips that might be helpful.

    While "Browning" you didn't actually achieve any maillard reaction, meaning, you didn't actually "Brown" the meat, you just precooked it. So if in the finished dish you think the meat was overcooked, just skip the browning process, because the way you did it you're actually not seeing any flavor benefit.

    Also, when opening the steam valve, I've found that putting a folded kitchen towel over the outlet keeps the volume at a level that doesn't hurt your ears, and prevents the steam from blasting the walls/cabinets/ceiling.

    Glad to watch you having fun!

  4. lisa Madinger
    lisa Madinger says:

    I dont think your mom would like being called lazy, that wasn't very nice. You do realize the smaller you cut your veggies the better chance they will be mushy and just melt into your sauce, especially in a pressure cooker. Just an FYI

  5. BME Electronics
    BME Electronics says:

    I was skeptical about clicking this video, but thankful I did. Haha. I just enjoy your humor. โ€œOh no! My light!โ€ So thankful youโ€™re still doing content. I thought you were packing it in! I donโ€™t even watch element 14 any longer. Itโ€™s not the same. Keep the videos coming!

  6. First Name Last Name
    First Name Last Name says:

    Always check the discount section for bread I wish my store had one discount section but they break it up between bread type stuff prepackaged food like potato salad and non-food items like 16GB thumb drives for some reason they stick the alcohol over there and baby food and sause

  7. Chrysippus
    Chrysippus says:

    Ben! This was so nice to watch! Here in Brazil almost every house has a pressure cooker, and now some are electric, in fact mine seems to be identical to that except the shell, LED color and the word "heat".
    One thing I'd recommend is using these for cheap cuts of meat. Believe me, even the cheapest cut of meat will make great stew. In fact, it should taste significantly better that say, tenderloin. And you don't need to sautee the meat beforehand, but some sauteed garlic should give it great taste.

  8. Gormond
    Gormond says:

    I use my IP often to make very similar things – My only advice would be to brown the meat and onions first using the saute mode as it improves the texture/taste. Also when chopping maybe pull your finger tips (of your left hand) back behind you knuckles so you don't chop them off ๐Ÿ˜€

    Anyway I have been enjoying your post E14 stuff, keep up the good work!


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