Instant Pot Beef Stew

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Complete recipe for instant pot beef stew:

27 replies
  1. Midsummer Madness
    Midsummer Madness says:

    Girl that’s a non cautious amount of garlic! You are a rebellious one. Not my cup of tea but I love your style. I just got my instant pot and I’m ready to enjoy the greatness I’ve heard about for years. I don’t know if you’ve tried it but I heard the instant pot can due your taxes in 4 minutes. I can’t wait to use that feature.🤗

  2. Zone07
    Zone07 says:

    I got bad news Julie, white wine also stains your teeth. The good news is that eating cheese with wine greatly reduces the risk of staining as it builds a barrier. Also, chewing gum afterwards helps a great deal as the process produces more saliva which instantly neutralizes the pH. Drinking some sparkling water to help rinse the teeth helps too. Besides, this is the perfect time of the season for a Shafer One Point Five Cabernet.

  3. NightWind420
    NightWind420 says:

    "wish it was bitcoin instead." lol
    trust me you don't. Most people enter crypto in 2017 are down right now, including me T^T
    But I agree, Instant pot is my best kitchen investment this year. Also got a sous vide cooker… amazing also!

  4. Mrs. H.
    Mrs. H. says:

    Hola Chica!! I loved the video and recipe"but of course". I would love more instant pot recipes. Chicken and dumplings or some hearty soups that include pumpkin or squash maybe yes??? 😀👍👍

  5. Byron Chandler
    Byron Chandler says:

    Hi, beautiful Julie. Your stew looks pretty, just like you, your smile, and your voice. What's your best tip for making chicken soup? Have a good day, beautiful Julie. Take care of yourself, cutie pie. <3


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