Instant Pot Basics – Arroz Con Pollo

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This is a Facebook Live Stream that I did to discuss the basics of an Instant Pot, the common mistakes made with the IP and a walk through on my Arroz Con …

21 replies
  1. family zarzosa-grier
    family zarzosa-grier says:

    Dish looks delicious but Arroz con Pollo is definitely not Mexican but a South American dish. That's so fumy how in the US people easily assume that any and all Spanish food or custom is necessarily Mexican. So far from the truth.

  2. So No
    So No says:

    You know my mom could make arroz amarillo con pollo in a real pressure cooker in just 8 minutes so I'm not watching your 2 hour telenovela. Just a couple of minutes.
    ****************************************************************************************************************************Ok I see why it's long, it's like a class for "newbies" not just straight cooking instructions. Fix your sound issues.

  3. Gina m
    Gina m says:

    I almost turned it off but I said to myself to wait a bit to see where this was going. I found you quite funny and loved your attitude. In this comment section people are just plain rude. It was fun to watch and I got ideas from watching. I love to cook and I love my insta pot . But yes if you are making arroz con pollo you do need some Latin seasoning… Other then that keep being so cheerful. Bless you and try some more videos

  4. marvinbanjo
    marvinbanjo says:

    your channel is kind rough around the edges and if I was using an instant pot for the first time I'd actually be scared of it . Kind of get a game plan and rehearse your presentation . I'm glad you are not demonstrating chain saws . That would be funny as long as no one got hurt .

  5. m farley
    m farley says:

    Sorry to be late to the party but I just got my pot from my wife 😉, haters gonna hate and I’m sorry for that, but I found your insights very informative and humorous at times. Hope your career advanced like you hoped! I personally will miss your knowledge!! Best wishes!

  6. Sherl Murphy
    Sherl Murphy says:

    Loved it but wanted to give you a 'shout out' and perhaps give you a tip that will benefit you in your next upcoming videos, hopefully. Why don't you let your son handle the questions and then you need to repeat it to the audience so that we can feel inclusive in the conversation. I wasn't able to actually see the 'live conversation' so I had no glue to the questions being posted while filming the video, just sayin!

  7. Sherl Murphy
    Sherl Murphy says:

    Great tip bout seasoning meat/chicken before freezing it is just super, duper, love that since I do batch cooking quite a bit (don't ever/never come home from work & begin cooking (simply don't have that kinda of time)), ugh! Gr8 show, am enjoying it immensely; plz keep up the good work; you're quite funny and love the tour of your kitchen with your impressive storage area, WOW WEE!

  8. Ren S
    Ren S says:

    I subscribed. Hope you are still making videos and we're not discouraged by anyone who was impatient. No- one is an expert YouTube when they start and a lot of people I'm sure appreciated your style of sharing anecdotes. 🙂

  9. pspecs
    pspecs says:

    I made it to 25 mins.. wasn't easy. I'm sure you're an expert at the instant pot but honey, you need to edit. Look fwd to more videos ( hopefully shorter ). EDIT>


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