Instant Pot Apple Butter With Easy Water Bath Recipe

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This is such an easy recipe for a first timer or advanced canner! Apple Butter: 5 pounds of apples 4 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp ground …

42 replies
  1. Susan Reas
    Susan Reas says:

    I just did up 12 pints of apple butter The first of the week I cooked mine down on the wood stove. I took the core out using that hand held slicer and put all those big old slices peel left on into a giant pot with a small amount of water and just cooked down till soft. I used my Ninja blender pitcher to make the mixture silky sooth cooked down some more and added brown and white sugar and spices and put into canning jars and water bath canned for 20 minutes. Never made before leaving the skins on but it works and got those apples out of my life and in the jars where they belong LOL

  2. Angela Fleming
    Angela Fleming says:

    Hey Carolina that apple butter looks yummy I hope my apple trees give me apples next spring I think this is year 5 for them so I would love a bumper crop of apples for apple sauce, apple butter, apple cider and all the things apple I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving day today. Take care and have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Countrymouse's Farmhouse
    Countrymouse's Farmhouse says:

    That looks quick and delicious. My favourite apple butter I got completely by accident. I wanted to cook it down super thick and not too much sugar ,so I put it in the slow cooker all day then pureed then was intending to cook it a few hours then turn it off in the night. I fell asleep though and got up early the next morning to slightly scorched apple butter. I decided to scoop off all I could and try to use it up anyway. Surprisingly, no smoke flavour at all and so beautiful, silky and thick. The apple flavour is so strong and just sweet enough. Trying to recreate it . Thank you for sharing lovely 💚

  4. Terrie Dahl
    Terrie Dahl says:

    My Mom just bought me an insta-pot, she got it at Walmart on the black Friday already started sale. She said it's a Thanksgiving gift. Lol and you post this I am so excited to do this. I was even excited to tell you.

  5. karen jones
    karen jones says:

    if you are gf, "gluten free on a shoestring" has a great recipe for apple butter bread. i've never done the topping for it and it is moist and delicious. happy thanksgiving, everyone. we did ours yesterday.

  6. Geraldine Lucas
    Geraldine Lucas says:

    By myself now so now longer preserve but remember Mom made Pear Butter one time and it cooked down to nothing so she never made it again. We had a Bartlet Pear tree so in the future she canned the pears in pineapple juice.

  7. mary garcia
    mary garcia says:

    Lol I made some last month, and gave most as gifts and we ate 2 jars 🫙. Now I have 4 bags of apples 🍎 waiting on me. Lol. Hubs wants me to make some that’s a little chunky this time, so we will see how it turns out!

  8. Jen Sherman
    Jen Sherman says:

    Good morning Mama Baird and Happy Thanksgiving! Apple butter is like life’s blood to me! I use the crockpot because I am able to smell the apples and spices cooking all day while I make a ton of hearty breakfast muffins for freezing and gifts. There is that satisfying moment when the apples turn a beautiful brown. The first scoops go on top of my icecream and the next scoops go into apple butter muffins, then apple butter, pecan bacon grease fried pancakes for breakfast! Food group #1 = Bacon! #2 = Apple butter! If I had to make it fast I would use the instapot though for sure! Thanks for taking the time out of your morning to upload another great video💛🦃💛


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