Instant Pot Air Fryer Lid – Learn How to make bacon and Fried Egg breakfast with your air fryer.

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instantpotbacon #instantpotbaconandeggs #instantpoteggs Make a hearty breakfast with your instant pot and your instant pot air fryer lid. In this video we will …

10 replies
  1. Edward Hayes
    Edward Hayes says:

    Nice in a pinch but still like micro wave bacon, I cut my bacon on half like yours but I use thick cut. I micro wave for 30 seconds a slice so if I use four pieces it is two minutes if you smell the bacon it is on too long. Eggs I poach in a umasa rice cooker add water to the 2 cup line a little vinegar bring to a boil crack eggs into water two minutes later poached eggs. No mess. For the bacon fold each slice in paper towel start with four sheets together one piece of bacon fold another piece fold third piece and fold last piece and fold tell a paper is folded around bacon. I use a paper plate to put bacon on keeping micro wave clean. If you are in the economy mode you could use a micro safe plate or use the paper plate to eat on. Toast in a 1933 Westinghouse fold out toaster as one of the dogs does not like pop up toaster sound. The 1933 toasts twice as fast as a toaster oven. Just so you do not think I am old fashion I am a year younger than the 1933 toaster. Soft boil eggs in the rice cooker fill to 3 cup line or to cover the whole eggs. Fried and scrambled on the stove in a frying pan as the. Wife is really pickee with her eggs no burn no runny white no hard yellow.

  2. The Pervy Prepper
    The Pervy Prepper says:

    Hey there. I just came here from watching your pumpkin bread video. Have you tried using your silicone mini-loaf pans for frying eggs? You could do sunny-side-up or you could scramble them or use them to make mini-quiches.
    Using your silicone mold(s) would make your eggs all the same thickness, with NO thin parts at the outside edges, so it would cook through, without having brown burned edges. You might want to try it. If I'm right, this would probbly make a good video, too. JS.
    I also want to do poached eggs. I plan to get the silicone "egg-bites" insert some time soon, too, but I haven't got it yet. This would just be a variation on that, I guess. In fact now I think on it, I don't really need the insert, do I? I'll just get some interesting silicone cake molds (mini-bundt-cake quiche, anyone?) and use those.
    Please, let me know if you do try that (or if you already have) and let me know if it work(s/ed) as I predict.


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