Instant Pot 12 minute Sausage and Potato Soup

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I love these two in combination in a soup. Perfect when you need that something hot on a cold day (not to many more of those in my neck of the woods in Texas, …

3 replies
  1. Salina Martin
    Salina Martin says:

    Lovely soup. I just want to say it you want to take your pot on vacation you should take it! My husband and I travel quite a lot for our business and I take mine every time! He was reluctant at first but I assured him that I could cook anything in it! I just got tired of the expense of restaurant food and we already had learned how to cook out favorite dishes at home. It really amazed him all the different dishes I could make. So not only do I take the POT but I bring an air fryer also. I have put together a small travel kit with cooking utensils and spices. My favorite thing to cook is fresh seafood when we go to St. Simons Island! So I pay $20.00 for the fresh (right off the boat) seafood. I stop at the local market for fresh vegetables for a few dollars ( $5 or $6) and make amazing food. At our favorite seafood restaurant our bill normally runs $25 for an entree (x2) plus $12 for an appetizer. Then of course add in drinks, we usually skip dessert, tax, and tip. But the two main components of our seafood meal I can make so $26 versus $62
    (Don't for get the wine at $6 a glass, and tip) but we easily have an $80 bill! Granted it is a very high end restaurant and we only get there a couple times a year but after I saved us $60 and the food was better then theirs he was won over. If you have children it is easy to take a 6qt. But now it's hat is just the 2 of us I take my 4qt pressure cooker made by crock pot. So good luck to you! I save enough money on our trips that I actually get to have extra spending money for shopping at cool stores when we travel.

  2. C D Hanks
    C D Hanks says:

    I am a new Instant Pot user and I absolutely love these videos but wish instead of quickly going through a list
    of ingredients, as very few of us have a photographic memory and need a list of ingredients for shopping and cooking.
    Please take the time to list the ingredients and instructions.
    Thank you.


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