INSTANT POT 101- Broccoli

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Need a fast side? Try broccoli!

22 replies
  1. siward44
    siward44 says:

    I have an instant pot v3 and it is very hard to cook broccoli to the right crispyness. It depends on how fresh the broccoli is and how small/large it is cut up. I use one cup of water as a starting point.

    trial #1: High pressure 0 minutes. Release steam as soon as done. Uncooked.
    trial #2: High pressure 0 minutes. Release steam 3 minutes after it is done. Overcooked.
    trial #3: Low pressure 0 minutes. Release 1 minute after it is done. A little bit undercooked.

    I am starting to think a microwave would be more accurate. I don't have to release any steam.

  2. Nodar Nutsubidze
    Nodar Nutsubidze says:

    People that are worried about the steam, use the utensils that come with the Instant pot. Both the utensils have a nice hole in the handle which is quite useful to catch on the vent release and then its far away from you.

  3. David Nakase
    David Nakase says:

    That was more realistic. Another vid specified 2 min. on steam then let it release with the warmer function. That worked out to broccoli that tuned to mush. I suspect 99% of these videos are click bait pure and simple.

  4. Greg Smith
    Greg Smith says:

    Does the amount of broccoli change the time? If you doubled that portion, would it still be zero? Also, do other vegetables work similarly, or would you need to cook carrots, broccoli, zucchini and cauliflower at different times? Thanks!


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