Inspiring You to Lose Weight Collab

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Thank you to our hosts Carrie and Bee. Please be sure to visit everyone’s channel for inspiration to get back on track and lose weight. I’m sure there will be lots …

23 replies
  1. Weight watchers with Carrie
    Weight watchers with Carrie says:

    Oh I hear you! I'm lazy right now as well. I'm afraid if I force myself to get out there, I'm going to hate it and end up giving up on what I'm doing so good at right now. We know when we are ready to add some movement. My body knows…when I made it to 197 I actually enjoyed it…now…um nope. I have no urge to get out there and that's ok! I know my body will let me know.

  2. Laineyslife
    Laineyslife says:

    Yes yes yes. You will love the pool at the ymca water walking is the best so much easier on your joints it totally helps with my arthritis. I’m not doing it for weight liss but if it happens because if it cool. But I’m making better food choices and moving a tiny bit more each day. Not for weight loss it’s what makes me feel better. If weight liss happens cool. Finally it has sunk in to do the best you can and trust the process. Trust the science. It’s been working for me. Slow yes but who the hell cares I feel better mentally and physically. The faster you lose the faster you gain it back.

  3. Tuan Tran - Fitness Coach
    Tuan Tran - Fitness Coach says:

    Hello 🙂 I admire how hard you work on losing weight, because it's very difficult to be consistent and disciplined. But keep up the good work! New subscriber to your channel ❤️ love to help each other grow more

  4. Barbara Klingman
    Barbara Klingman says:

    So many emotions ran through me as you spoke today. I saw so much of myself in what you said. When you told us you got yourself into this mess and that you were responsible for digging yourself out, I just cried. It really touched a place deep inside me.
    Thanks for taking time to inspire your subscribers.
    You are going to do this for you and David’s future vacations and fun times. ❤️👍

  5. Lu G
    Lu G says:

    Girl…my weight keeps creeping up (started some meds in Feb/March) and I have just been miserable! My clothes aren't fitting, I get short of breath and I'm just generally cantankerous. 😆 Yesterday I had to tell myself s*ck it up, buttercup so I rejoined WW – for the 1,00th time! 🙄 Anyway, thank you for sharing, we're all in this together. ❤️

  6. Dawn Rae
    Dawn Rae says:

    I love the water !!! I wear a swimming cap. And I don’t even have any hair. It’s hard to do though, I get it. Especially when it’s -40 here in winter 🥶 PLUS IM LAZY


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