Insane Rooftop Pool and BBQ Kitchen Area – Auto Winterization | House Build #24

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Almost finished with the house! We’re getting closer! The pool and kitchen area is complete, now to finish up the rest of the house.

29 replies
  1. @hughbugger
    @hughbugger says:

    Do you have to worry about the thermal expansion of the granite benchtops? Surely the coefficient of expansion of granite is different to that of the wood and steel. Also the heat differential between the granite near the fire and the granite around the edge. Not idea what granite can handle but will be interesting to see. Time will tell! Epic build so far.

  2. @LuizFernandopr
    @LuizFernandopr says:

    it saddens me that no mather how rich I get or how skilled workers I contract to build my dream house, it will never be as well made as mike's. this has to be the ultimate home.

  3. @derilangevin2457
    @derilangevin2457 says:

    You are just unbelievable ! Master at everything you’re doing ! Imagine if the whole world would be like you !!! There would be no more problem on earth ! You’re awesome and quite an inspiration !!

  4. @dougholcomb6851
    @dougholcomb6851 says:

    My one question is, are you ever going to slow down enough to enjoy this relaxing home your building? Just saying, you seem like your happiest when your busy and building something

  5. @GlideYNRG
    @GlideYNRG says:

    From Scrappy's leading edge slats to the pool shower, I'm constantly amazed as to tenacity and skill Mike. Thanks again for allowing us to follow your house build.

  6. @markyharris
    @markyharris says:

    I noticed the windows in the BBQ area were frosted at the end of the video when the granite was installed, but clear before. Are the window's opacity electrically controllable, or did you add the frosted tint? Just curious.

  7. @motofunk1
    @motofunk1 says:

    Building this was not the amazing part, it was the planning and knowing what was needed beforehand that shows the real genius. Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.


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