Incredibly Easy Homemade Tomato Soup | Cowboy Kent Rollins

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Enjoy a big bowl of homemade creamy tomato soup. This is an easy soup recipe that you’l love. #tomatosoup …

40 replies
  1. Nothing
    Nothing says:

    I make mine just about the same way. Instead of onions, I saute some diced carrots and celery in the butter and oil, and once they're soft, put in a few tablespoons of balsamic vinegar. Cook that down until it doesn't smell like vinegar anymore, then add everything else. Lots of fresh basil. Instead of adding the cream directly to the soup, I'll put a chunk of cream cheese in the bowl first before serving. Not everyone likes it creamy, so that way we get the best of both worlds.

  2. протившерсти
    протившерсти says:

    Я не уверен что суп получился вкусный, потому что в него положили слишком много чеснока и сливок на мой взгляд. Но они так душевно об этом рассказывают, что я не могу не поставить лайк.

  3. Renee KH
    Renee KH says:

    I've made similar soups using canned tomatoes 🍅 of all sorts, but to make a super quick tomato soup I just use canned pureed tomatoes, onion & garlic powder & other dried spices & herbs to taste. I actually use milk or half & half to make it creamy & cut the acid, too – but if I need to taper the tomato acid & I don't want to add more dairy, I just add a little agave nectar or coconut sugar. I also will add canned petite diced tomatoes if I want "chunky" tomato soup.


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