In the Kitchen with my Crockpot and Instant Pot

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Today I’ve got a lot of cooking to do! I am in the kitchen with my crockpot and instant pot. Even though the weather doesn’t agree, it’s Fall in my house. My Instant …

34 replies
  1. Hunne's Home LIfe
    Hunne's Home LIfe says:

    I use a storage tub with file folders for all my papers. That roast looks so good!!! Do y'all like cabbage? If so…have you tried adding cabbage to your roast…it's so good. Sorry for being late on commenting…I have been dealing with the summertime flu. When the weather starts changing I get a head cold. I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend. My kiddos only had homework if they didn't get to finish it during class time. We had a pretty laid back school…the teachers felt that it would be to much on them when they was younger. Take care & Great Big Hugs to you Vanessa!!! I can't wait for the cookbook to get ready…I so plan on buying one.

  2. Loreen Carrabello
    Loreen Carrabello says:

    I use a file cabinet and it a self for my curtains papers and folders. It also has a drawer with file separators in it that handles the rest of our important papers.
    Yearly I use accordion folders for my yearly receipts listed of tabs by category.
    Auto, bank, credit card statements, orders, medical, income etc. Make it your own.

  3. Lindsey Smith
    Lindsey Smith says:

    My kids always have homework since starting school – reading, spellings etc. School is from 8.30am to 4.30pm. At age 8-10 they get 20 mins homework 4 times a week. From 11 they get a lot more

  4. Kayla Hawkins
    Kayla Hawkins says:

    I file all of my papers into a filing cabinet that I keep in my closet. For items that I’m not ready to file I either use a basket or a small accordion file. Poor Rose just completely wiped from school! I kinda agree with you about the homework. When my son was in kindergarten he did have homework, it wouldn’t be much but enough to let me see what they were working on and how well he was doing with it. So I like it in that sense. My son gets dropped off at 7:15am (that’s when the doors open, tardy bell is at 7:45) and he gets out at 2:40pm. How long are your kiddos in school? Your pot roast looks amazing! Would love the banana bread recipe. My son really loves it…I tried making it before and he didn’t like the recipe I used lol.

  5. Melissa Terlesky
    Melissa Terlesky says:

    Pumpkin bread sounds so yummy right now!!! The water bottles you filled for the kids for their classroom…do you remember where you got them from and do they spill? I'm looking for a good bottle like that for my little 1st grader. Thank you!!!

  6. Heidi LeWren
    Heidi LeWren says:

    I find it interesting how different schools have changed back when we were younger to now. I graduated in 2000, and in Kindergarten, I had a half day. If I had homework, it was very seldom. A lot of schools here in Minnesota try to not have students take work home with them. Although I do have a nephew who had a good solid hour or longer of work near daily when he was in third and fourth grades. Something that really bothered his mom. I'm on the fence with homework. Kids are in school for so many hours, and families tend to be super busy when they go home. While its good to get use to the habit, how much of the information do they retain is my question.

    As far as paper organization. You can always look at those accordion paper folders, it would be small enough in your tiny home. We finally have our trailer in the driveway and I hope we can get it sandblasted, painted and subfloor put on it before the long winter. Good luck with the weather and your open house! Take care!

  7. Ramona DeLaney
    Ramona DeLaney says:

    I just received my Grove shipment of Pumpkin and Apple Cider scented candles and cleaning sprays & etc. I'm so excited to start using them though think I'll wait for the wealther to turn Fall-like. Your dinners looked so yummy! Hope the kiddos get to sleep so their ready for school. I agree with you, little Rose looked so tired on the ride to school. Cooking all day certainly tires me out too.

  8. Mommytoboys
    Mommytoboys says:

    Yeah my baby is in kindergarten and he has one sheet of homework, he has to read a small book twice and practice some letters, numbers, shapes and colors for a test at the end of the week

  9. Lisa Tugulea
    Lisa Tugulea says:

    How long are the kids in school for? My kids who are in the Irish equivlant to 2nd and 5th grade are in school from 9.20 to 3.00. Kids in the kindergarten equivilant do one hour less.

    Oh and kindergarten kids have homework after the first 2 weeks as they finish at 12 for the first 2 weeks in our school. Other schools dont do any until 1st. I love doing homework with them, we sit and chat about their day as they are doing it so it is still family time and I see what they are up to.

  10. Chris Kahn
    Chris Kahn says:

    Kindergarten classes have kids with a wide scope of skills. They need to find where kids are in their reading and writing skill sets to determine who needs more help and who can move ahead and not be too bored. Also, have you thought about trying to keep the kids awake after school so they go to sleep a bit easier at night? Those power naps seem to give them a real boost!!!! LOL. I know the first weeks are hard. Also, have you thought of setting up your 15 snack bags when you do meal prep each week so you just need to pull those out. You could even bag up a few weeks worth. Mornings can be so crazy! Hope Week 2 is going well.

  11. coolkidz98765
    coolkidz98765 says:

    I stop most papers from even coming in my house by recording important dates in my phone calander or even taking a pic of the form , then I throw them right away . I hate paper clutter more then anything ! Lol – If it’s something I need to hold on to I have a small accordion file from staples labeled with each persons name and I even have a slot for pets and home in there as well πŸ™‚

  12. T G
    T G says:

    Made a delicious pot roast in my crockpot just the other day, yum … I feel like I need pot roast every week now. I don't remember much about homework when my daughter was in Kindergarten, but I know she had something every day, probably much like what your girls are getting. I do remember reading to her daily and having her follow along with me while I read. I know that they are learning "way more" than my daughter had to because the curriculums have changed so dramatically. Thanks for sharing your time with us.

  13. Megan Brown
    Megan Brown says:

    Aah I love the kebab idea!! And as far as homework goes I'm on the fence as well about it. Perhaps on Fridays to keep them on track over the weekend but idk about all week long. However my son Trystan (my kindergartner)has these work books that he loves to do. Actually they look a lot like pearls homework only dry erase so he can do them over and over again. I'm going to go eat an early lunch now bc this who vlog made me hungry lol!

  14. Lise Bedard
    Lise Bedard says:

    I do not remember if my son had homework in 1st grade.I think they should not have homework…They work 6-7 hrs in school 5 days a week they should not have to come home and start all over again.


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