In The Hospital This Isn’t Good

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InTheHospitalThisIsn’tGood #InTheHospital #ImInTheHospital #WereInTheHospital #VlogInTheHospital #AtTheHospital Weclome Everyone I had to go to the …

45 replies
  1. Ro
    Ro says:

    You are So Sweet and dont deserve all this trouble, dear lady! I can tell you've had some wind knocked out of your sails, but your Smile is a Good Sign of Encouragement! I'm keeping you in my Prayers that Your Recovery from Iron Anemia is going to " Break All the Records!" Stay just as Strong as You Can, Get Your Rest and Nourishment…We will All be here CHEERING FOR YOUR RECOVERY! Dont worry about the Videos, we can watch your re-runs until you are Back! We Love You!💋❤❤❤😖🌼🌼🌼🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  2. Nancy Reyes
    Nancy Reyes says:

    Gina, you need to take care of yourself. I love you and your videos from day one and just by seeing this know you are just completely not yourself. Hope you get the treatments but that allergy reaction is brutal.

  3. Bee
    Bee says:

    I'm not sure that this applies to what's going on with you but when I took my second Mederma vaccine it put me in the hospital for two weeks with fluid around my heart and my lungs my kidneys was so weak that they implanted a fischler in my arm just in case I need dialysis and I've heard this has happened to quite a few people this may not be your case but for some reason I thought I would share that with you stay strong your prayer warriors are at work God bless you wishing you a healthy recovery

  4. Nicole Baker
    Nicole Baker says:

    Praying for you sis. I'm a long distance truck driver. I've been struggling with Anemia since 2011. In 2013 I was diagnosed with gastroparesis out of no where… never heard of it! Im not diabetic nor have any surgery outside of fibroid removal. Over the years I've put my iron on the back burner trying to handle this gastric/vomiting episodes. Last week I finally met an homologist that was like if you don't fix what's causing my iron to stay low if cause continued nerve damage and slow emptying of stomach and bowels. I've dipped in between 4-6.8 in the last month, so for the next 5 Fridays she's giving me iron infusions again. I have the same issues with my veins. I have 3 palm size black bruises on my arms but I'm staying the course this time to get better… God bless you. I pray your story ends better than mine

  5. FoodieDiva
    FoodieDiva says:

    Good i am glad. I was going to say get out of there. Get your fresh garlic roast and eat it? Make a little drink shot with ginger lemon and the peel drink that. Get you some pineapples and juice it. Ok i thought it was covid. Raisins have iron put it in some oatmeal and fix how you lime. Feel better.

  6. Mickey Love
    Mickey Love says:

    Please lying down when you headache 🤕, I don’t feel better when u have a headache 🤕 too, u need to relax please I can feel relaxed too, I even have headache 🤕 too. Be & stay blessed🙏🏾😎

  7. SugaT 2Sweet4u
    SugaT 2Sweet4u says:

    I have been through the same thing and I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. I have so many blood transfusions before they found it. My hemoglobin was a 6 when I was rushed to the ER. GOD bless you ❤️

  8. Mia's Ministry
    Mia's Ministry says:

    A 2. Wow. Mines is a 7 and I thought that was bad. The Dr said it's still not good.enough. I too just had a.iron infusion but it wasn't enough so the Dr said to get some Iron slow fe pills and I been taking them and they don't mess up the stomach like the original ones…. just in case anyone need another option.

  9. sheila plourde
    sheila plourde says:

    I will keep you in my prayers. In 2010 I crushed both arms at the same time. Surgery for 22 hours but they had to take a lot of breaks. Was my worst nightmare and my hubby had to keep me on drugs Oxycontin and I lost 3 months. When I was aware I told my hubby no more Oxycontin. My Dr. told me I needed the pain pills and I told him no I will handle the pain. I will keep you in my prayers as that is rough. I have high blood pressure and had 2 strokes but wasn't any issues wrong with me. God was over looking me as when I was rushed to surgery I felt something on my shoulders or maybe was the drugs. I don't think it was. Get better Gina, as that is a rough one. Glad you are home.

  10. Dee Tarver
    Dee Tarver says:

    Gina, I believe God is in the plan. I too suffer from low- blood. You need to find a good hematologist where ever you live, to find what is causing your hemoglobin to drop. I dropped to 3 and they too gave me iron infusions.
    They discovered I had a fibroid the size of a baby. Because of religious beliefs, I did not do the blood. Thank God I had a FABULOUS African doctor that did a unique procedure the stopped the blood loss and removed the problem.
    I am praying for your, get a specialist.
    Love your spirit, stay safe.

  11. Gina Gibson
    Gina Gibson says:

    Omgoodness I haven’t watched your videos in a while my crazy self just subscribed I just subscribed. I hate you went through so much discomfort we just gotta have FAITH and trust in the LORD about 3 yrs ago I was diagnosed with moyamoya it’s no fun as for iron infusion I know someone who get those in the meantime Prayers for healing of and aches and discomfort for the LORD to DIVINELY heal you let us Decree and Declare and Thank the LORD JESUS in advance for this PRAYER is answer in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS we Pray…AMEN 🙏🏾✝️🙏🏾

  12. Laura Byrd
    Laura Byrd says:

    Don't worry about video!!! Just concentrate on getting better know that God brought you to it he's going to get you through it I love you sister I'll be praying for you your body and your family and your finances love you so much thank you for sharing with us take care of yourself


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