Impromptu Live with Jeni

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Impromptu Live with Jeni My Merch Store My Thrive Life website …

48 replies
  1. Trina Pudliner
    Trina Pudliner says:

    I always wonder what makes a person feel like they need to be so negative when there is no reason to be. In my opinion with just having brain surgery you look fantastic!! It was great to watch you in this live video. Keep marching forward and let the naysayers fall backwards. LOL You look and sound.

  2. Kat chicks
    Kat chicks says:

    Sorry I missed live, my life has been crazy and I'm trying to catch up on videos when I can. I think you look amazing, your healing great, it just took time. Looking forward to your new videos, ❤️

  3. Vicki Gordon
    Vicki Gordon says:

    Thanks to your Wonderful Husband!! Its TRUELY NOT Easy to find such caring males these days!! Thank you for being the Beautiful Spirit you are, you do not know how rare you are!! Jeni is Blessed!! 💜🥀💜

  4. Lisa Emerson
    Lisa Emerson says:

    your looking great that is so good to see i cant believe i missed this lol. i got good news imine has not gotten bigger so i can hold off for a bit if i want to and needless to say i am holding off. and you didn't give any bad or negative impression you are healing maybe its everything i've been through i get the whole process of healing its on a different level each day and each week and yes your talking better and yes you are a little slower but my goodness what is expected with major brain takes time its not over night. i would get it done right away but my age and i have cancer and heart failure and i just don't want to deal with this to right now but we are keeping an eye on both of them if things change i will go get it done and deal but thank god he is giving me some one is a bunch of intertwined the other is single behind my eye somewhere.

  5. Henry Cooks
    Henry Cooks says:

    You sound and look so much better, actually watched the whole video, and I was only going to sit down for 20 minutes. Having some canning withdrawals I can tell, Robert better hurry up home, hope you got done what you wanted, I know it gives you joy and will make you feel that maybe things are starting to seem a little more normal. Take care and you will get there, I see a huge difference watching this.

  6. Angelina Garcia
    Angelina Garcia says:

    We are here for you ALWAYS….! I Appreciate all your Start Up Recipes … made me very happy to put those (Magic Mason Jars … that’s what I call them ) meals FULL OF FLAVOR in my Pantry … I just became a Canner at the age of 67 … it’s Never too late to Learn … before I only put Garlic & salt in my Jars … NOW all my food is more Flavorful…. Thank you so much ….

    Block those toxic people & Continue being the Wonderful Happy Person that you are … I use to be an ICU Nurse …. Life is Short … Always make the best of it & make LOTS of Memories with your Loved Ones ❤️❤️❤️

  7. Cheryle Roussin
    Cheryle Roussin says:

    Sorry I missed the live. Always happy when I can hangout with you live or not. Jeni you are looking great. Try not to worry about negative comments, I know that’s hard but maybe that person has experience depression themselves, so it’s forefront in their mind. I think you are doing great and just know this tribe cares and loves you. Praying the energize bunny drops off a large box of energy at your door.

  8. Sharon McKee
    Sharon McKee says:

    I missed the live! I was at the orthopedic dr as I fell at home… a broken bone to my forearm. I have soup I put together and ready to can then this happened.! Also, realize the comments that have been made to you, it’s because they don’t understand what you have gone are doing great and I do see improvements. Hang in there… I’m with ya … even with 1 working arm! (Tonight I get to teach my hubby how to can my soup)

  9. Sandra D
    Sandra D says:

    HI Jeni. Sorry I missed the live but I am having thyroid cancer surgery next week and have been prepping for it. You look great and I can see an improvement every single time you post a video. Just do what you can and what your body allows you to do. Hugs!

  10. Tina Bauler
    Tina Bauler says:

    I missed your live but listened to it on the way to work this morning. I think it is awesome that you got back on YT so soon after a MAJOR surgery. It is obvious that your appearance, speech, and affect get better with each video! Your progress is amazing. I hope the ignorant people and their mean comments stay away 😢
    BTW I made your chicken Dijon the other day. We can’t wait to try it 😋

  11. Kathy Wimberley
    Kathy Wimberley says:

    Good morning, Jeni!!! It is so good to see you and to know you are doing so well!! We are glad to know you are feeling better!! I look forward to the time you are able to do your videos again, but don’t rush!!! We can all catch up in your time!!!!

  12. Pamela West
    Pamela West says:

    Hi Jenni…You are Amazing… most would not have done as well as you with your determined and caring spirit you did the surgery with grace and class…I loved your videos please take the time for yourself and time to heal… I am a nurse and no you do not come across as depressed, your body has been through a lot just be patient it will get better…and sweet lady don’t pay attention or take to heart any negative comments, these folks never have a clue! You are a huge inspiration…🙏❤️🙏

  13. Bricks and beauty homestead
    Bricks and beauty homestead says:

    Jeni you are beautiful inside and out. I think your doing great for having such a major surgery. As my momma says, Don't let anyone put your light out. I can tell you, you shine bright !! Please don't let the killjoys 's discourage you , you are a big inspiration to many. May God continue to bless you.

  14. In the Kitchen with Karen
    In the Kitchen with Karen says:

    Hey Friend! Sorry I missed the live. I had my hands full babysitting tonight. You look fabulous❤️. Anyone that makes negative comments is not worth your time and obviously has a sad life. So don’t even give them a second of your time ❤️. I agree about Sedona. It’s not the same as even 10 years ago.

  15. Molly Smith
    Molly Smith says:

    Darn, I missed the live chat! Your sewing room looks way better than mine, Jeni. I bet you are so sick of tv! You are looking great but please keep listening to your body and don't overdo it. You remain in my prayers. But, how horrible that you have gotten dismaying comments on your videos, do people have no idea that you don't just completely bounce back immediately after brain surgery??? Wow, I had no idea you'd be dealing with jaw pain too. I'm grateful you are still here with us…your earlier videos about it were pretty scary. I've had one aneurysm, in my left iliac artery after c-section and that is some serious stuff. None of our days are promised. Saw your FQS sampler box and heard the comment about the Spooky Sampler, apparently you have to reserve it. Wow, Spamtember? Are you also in Souptember? So many great videos to watch this month! I made the Bruschetta from Ball and we didn't like it and found it really hard to use because of being so vinegary. I still have two more jars, they may just go into the compost. I"ll have to come back and watch the rest of the replay, better get some dinner made.


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