i’m not angry at this game not even a little bit

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25 replies
  1. MoeChicken
    MoeChicken says:

    Kingdom Valley is…yeah, kind of a low point of the game. Probably my least favorite level layout-wise, which is a shame, because I think the actual setting is kinda neat.

  2. Nessa Millikan
    Nessa Millikan says:

    I've seen footage of this game before, but I have never sat down to really watch a full 2 hours of it before. Ian probably found every bug in the game up to this point, lol.

    I've just gotta rant! The empty, lifeless Soleanna overworld map… this is where so much of this game's budget and time went for nothing! It's just so unnecessary and slows the momentum of the game down to a crawl! You could tell that Sonic Team wanted to make both Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 in this, but Sonic Team just didn't understand that it wouldn't work well. Just because it's the Adventure series doesn't mean that they're similar games in feeling or play style.

    This game is much more SA2 in theatrical style, so the leisurely feel of "go explore a city!" makes no sense. It didn't really in SA1 either with Sonic and Tails racing Eggman for the Chaos Emeralds, but at least that game felt more like a lighthearted adventure where exploration was the main goal. Here, you can tell they tried to create it to serve the story, and all it accomplishes is this stop-and-go inertia that contradicts the "epic" that they were trying to create. It's fun to explore the colorful Egg Carrier or the Mystic Ruins. Soleanna is some generic, restricted void. They really should have just had some stage select map, or maybe some quicktime event cutscenes to interact with the story a bit more. Anything to liven it up.

    Same with the gameplay; the moment any excitement starts to build in the levels (only given during the few second long bursts of 60 FPS speed you get) it's like some new mechanic you have to use or learn causes it to full stomp on the brakes and gives you whiplash. It's definitely not Ian's fault here. And Tails' parts are just Sonic's level setup, and it works so astonishingly poorly for him. If they knew how to implement his strengths/weaknesses (flying, technical shooting) in SA1 and SA2, why include him as a playable character at all if they couldn't do it the same way?

    I rant because I, like many, would love another story-heavy Sonic Adventure era game. I loved that era so much that, if I were a child of 12 or under when this game came out, I would have forced myself to like this game just because it had that ambition to create deeper lore and some pretty creative moments. I love the idea that Sonic is so fast that he could run sideways on water, or Silver with his Telekinesis powers. Things like that make me want to see the good–ANY good–in this game, but it's a sore 1 to 99 split between the good and the bad!


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