if you've seen SEASPIRACY, WATCH THIS! | 3 unbelievable vegan fish recipes

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full written recipes – https://www.avantgardevegan.com/recipes/ SIGNED COPIES OF MY BOOKS – https://www.avantgardevegan.com/books/ or from amazon …

25 replies
  1. starfire Sun
    starfire Sun says:

    I loved the last scene with you and your team, backs to the camera, sitting on the grass with the glorious sea before you, hoodies on, and you congratulating them for their work, as they tucked into your fabulous cooking! It was very touching. I felt like I was watching high cinematography! BUT NO, it was a real tender moment of authenticity!

  2. RDV
    RDV says:

    Seaspiracy is the shittiest documentary ever and i don't even eat fish. You should read some articles about Seaspiracy. Especially the ones that fact check the documentary. It's all a load of bs. Don't fall for it people

  3. Fibi
    Fibi says:

    Everything looks so good I have to try it! By the way just want to let you know I just bought two of your books on Amazon I received the first one which is The new book that you came out with and oh my gosh it looks so good I cannot wait to try your recipes! I’m Blown away! I’m definitely going to be adding your cookbook to my monthly favorites here on my YouTube channel! More and more people need to hear about your cookbook and your channel you are hands-down one of my favorite Youtubers ever! Keep doing what you’re doing! God bless!

  4. Susan Scorah
    Susan Scorah says:

    Great recipes…for those of you who do not own Gaz's cookbooks .. they are amazing I have all 3 and every recipe is Devine. I am very jealous Gaz that you get to wear a coat while we in the Northern US are experiencing record hot temps….lol

  5. wp
    wp says:

    THANK YOU SO MUCH, even if you got just one person learning about Seaspiracy and what happens to these animals, I want to thank you for that!
    Watch Dominion Documentary here on youtube


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