ID Refusal By A Man Who Educated 4 Cops | This Man Knew His Rights | Cops Owned Dismissed

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FirstAmendmentAudit #1stAmendmentAudit #4thAmendment #CopWatch #CopGetsOwned #Trespassing #Dismissed …

33 replies
  1. Ralph Jones
    Ralph Jones says:

    What most auditors do is prove that law enforcement doesn't follow the law they don't uphold the constitution they lie to manufacture an arrest!! I have watched a ton of auditor videos and it's always the LEO'S who escalate the situation not the auditor!! Worst part is most cases it's either Mal practice because they don't even know the laws they try to uphold or two just plain lazy training from the academy!! So my question is this how can Law Enforcement Officers even be allowed to do their jobs? I wouldn't let a Doctor operate on me without them knowing 100% what they are doing and they are forced to carry liability insurance!! So who has the authority to say these officers are even able to do it!!

  2. Tammy Cawman
    Tammy Cawman says:

    So basically all this is about running warrants. Not actual law to ask for ID! The goal is to show unlawful orders and officers conduct! A auditor can’t make you put your hands n them no one is responsible for your actions but yourself. Silliest statement I’ve ever heard! If you show yourself in a bad light that you! How unprofessional and bias this officer was.

  3. Phillip Cole Jr
    Phillip Cole Jr says:

    The young cop is still misinformed on the purpose of auditors. He acting like all auditors do is try to give cops reasons to be sued, so they can get money. If he believes that, then he hasn't watched enough videos. the purpose of auditing is to educate cops who don't know the laws that they are supposed to be enforcing. if the cops knew what they were supposed to do, then an auditor wouldn't have a reason to sue.

  4. Robert Smith
    Robert Smith says:

    This is a case of a cop who wants to show everyone, how to handle blacks and when the young black tried to tell him this the cop started getting mad. Because he didn't like the way that the black man was talking to him. His feeling was hurt!

  5. Rocky Rocky
    Rocky Rocky says:

    So used to bullying their way to violate our rights,it is common practice.a fucking shame… tyranny has to be the past… and as always Always Film The police n 🖕 Qualified Immunity Now!!!!!!!

  6. Notatheist
    Notatheist says:

    Auditors serve many purposes. Of the greater purposes, auditors seek out, identify, and expose individuals who do not possess the requisite level of emotional stability and integrity needed to carry a badge.

  7. Bob
    Bob says:

    Many of them never learn, I'm not anti-police… but for crying out loud some of them need more training. The older police officer gets an F , his people skills are poor and is a liar, the younger police officer gets an A, he did not escalate and was professional.

  8. M Q
    M Q says:

    The problem is that the cop didn't do any sort of fact finding or investigating. As a cop he should know that just because a call comes in for one thing doesn't mean that is the truth. This is the biggest problem we have with police. Not getting to the facts just assuming when they should investigate first then decide to detain or arrest if needed.

  9. Kevin Gregg
    Kevin Gregg says:

    I did enjoy this video however seeing EVERYTHING to the very end should be important.
    If you want to advertise your videos at the end, make it longer and let the rest of us SEE what is written for us to see. I see this a lot, not just yourself.
    Good work, thanks.


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