I'd Never Made or Eaten Breakfast Tortilla's But I Made Sausage Egg & Cheese & They Were Delicious

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I decided that I wanted to make Breakfast Tortilla’s and I had never eaten them either. I made Sausage, Egg and Cheese and …

12 replies
  1. sapat
    sapat says:

    You're coming out of your shell. Get it!? lol We make breakfast tacos almost every weekend. Bacon, egg and cheese, and a little salsa on top. I buy those frozen hash browns that look like McDonald’s ones. Just defrost and heat them in the microwave and put half half a one on each torttilla. I also like potato, egg and cheese too.
    We put our flour tortillas right on the burner flame to warm and toast them a little. Just a few seconds to get them hot or they get too brittle and break when you fold them.
    I haven't made these with sausage before. That sounds delicious, and I'm definitely going to try it! Thanks.

  2. Patricia Hartless
    Patricia Hartless says:

    Thanks Mrs. Debbie . For sharing your breakfast quesadillas . I make them occasionally . We put salsa red or green . Either one you feel like eating . So glad you tried them . Some people don't know . How to make them . You made them perfect . Enjoy the grandkids . All of you stay warm . The Lord Bless All Of You

  3. K C
    K C says:

    Breakfast soft shell tacos…if you had rolled them they would be burritos. I swear you hit a homerun every time and remind me how easy and delicious it is to cook st home!

  4. D Sinavich
    D Sinavich says:

    Hi ! The breakfast wraps look delicious! Better than McDonald's ! I will have to remember to get some tortilla wraps and make them . Great your grandkids are coming ! I am sure you will have lots of fun . Salsa or ketchup to dip ! Stay safe and warm ! Deborah Manitoba Canada


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