I was a Stripper & College Student and Jesus Showed me This – Michaela’s Testimony

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I was a Stripper & College Student and Jesus Showed me This – Michaela’s Testimony #jesus #testimony #supernatural #miracles …

20 replies
  1. Jay-A-Rock
    Jay-A-Rock says:

    All religions have paths to bring a better person. But Christianity doesn't even follow its own holy book. Christianity is idolatry sorry to say. Coming from a former Christian

  2. Ana Rose
    Ana Rose says:

    What a bright and lovely witness to the truth and goodness of our Lord! I enjoyed the whole testimony! May you both be richly blessed and continue to produce delightful fruits for the Kingdom 🙌✝❤

  3. Anthony Solis
    Anthony Solis says:

    About 6 months ago I was visited by the most unholy one, via a dream that was so real, he showed me the form that is common with the movies with the red skin, but I did not dare look at his face. He was looking at me through my house window. I hear my mother’s voice telling me not to go outside and that I knew who was out side. Being curious I opened the back door and standing about 10 feet from the door was the most beautiful man I had ever seen, he had pale skin with really dark black wavy hair that was down to his waist and he was not wearing a shirt and was very slender built. He was the most inviting and non threatening person I had ever seen( he looked similar to the actor Jared Leto). I walked out and started to walk with him and in a way did not believe who it was and mockingly said “if you are him you could turn into a tiger” and in a instant a tiger was walking next to me then I said you can’t turn into a hawk and the tiger jumped and turned into a hawk with a distinctive white chest and continued to circle me. I stop and looked around and realized I was far from my house and was being led into the darkness, I started to run home then woke up. I had to do something outside and it was very early in the morning still so I open the garage and while the door was opening I heard some wings flapping and I look over at a tree that is about 10 feet from where I am standing and sure enough there was a huge hawk trying to balance it self on a small branch with a distinct what’s chest. It leaped off the branch and flew right past me while looking at me and the feeling I felt was unsettling as I turned away and started walking back inside my body became full of joy and I started to cry because I realized if he is real my lord and savior are real as well and I felt the Holy Spirit and was overwhelmed with emotions. My friends spiritual warfare is real and there is a god.🙏🏻

  4. The Domestic Monk
    The Domestic Monk says:

    It is so sad listening to people claiming to follow Jesus yet denying his Church at the same time. This woman was into yoga and the occult and Lord knows what else, but she is able to discern that some “Christian church” is the real Church? All so called Christian Churches but one are man made creations. Man imposing his theology on Christ. Jesus left us one Church, he gave it and it alone the authority to teach and preach in His name. It alone has his promise that He will be with it until the end of time. Yet this poor girl who was fooled by one spirit after another still can’t see it. St Paul told us divisions would be necessary so we would know which church is true in 1 Corinthians 11:
    “Indeed, there have to be factions among you, for only so will it become clear who among you are genuine.”

    There is one Church founded by Jesus, left as a means of grace for us, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, foretold by the Prophet Daniel, “And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed, nor shall its sovereignty be left to another people. Daniel 2: 44

    When Jesus confronted Saul on the road to Damascus he did not say, Saul, Saul, why do you persecute the Church. He said, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” The Church is the mystical body of Christ on earth. One is inseparable from the other.

    Still, so many people still look for salvation elsewhere, but sadly the others are man made imposters.

    Lastly, Jesus didn’t give us “the Bible for a reason”, he gave us His Church.

    The Bible is a Catholic book.

    It is a gift to us from God.

    And it is our gift to the world!

    Come home to the One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and come home to Jesus!


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