I Tried The TikTok Vegan Jackfruit “Fish ‘N’ Chips”

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50 replies
  1. Ray Chuang
    Ray Chuang says:

    these are beautiful recipes and beautiful foods that you created , but life can be stressful and can be very busy , especially vegans possible that you can make a video that make an easy recipe for busy nights under 15 min ?

  2. Kirsten Noon
    Kirsten Noon says:

    I loved this video.

    Also, I quit nicotine too and had to give up alcohol for a while. I actually just havenā€™t gone back to either. Itā€™s been 2 years šŸŽ‰
    Congrats! ā¤

  3. Konrad Stańczyk
    Konrad Stańczyk says:

    I was in the middle of looking through Baldur's Gate 3 mods while listening to this in the background and I literally froze for 5 seconds in confusion hearing "Some of us enjoy Baldur's Gate" šŸ˜…Did not see that one coming, lol. And yes…yes we do, Aria.

  4. Melz
    Melz says:

    Love our reigning vegan queen!! As a vegetarian, fish is probably the food I miss the most.. not all fish..some like Tuna etc and this seemed really enticing but I am also lazy af haha so… probably can't be bothered. Still enjoyed the video tho and yay Aria!! Bonus points!! ā¤ā¤

  5. ida
    ida says:

    psa kombu stock granulates are way better for making plant based things taste like fish than nori!! youā€™ll also avoid the soggy black specks in the finished product

  6. Veronika Puhach
    Veronika Puhach says:

    When I lived in the UK, I tried truly amazing vegan fish and chips, where 'fish' was made out of banana blossom. It was amazing and pretty much indistinguishable from actual fish (and I'm saying this as a pescetarian who tried the fish version alongside the vegan version). I actually even preferred the vegan version. You should really try it out if you can get your hands on that product.

  7. lmpeters
    lmpeters says:

    This is counterintuitive, but the vegan fish might turn out more crispy and less greasy if you deep-fry it in more oil. Using more oil for frying helps the oil to stay hot when you add food, which allows the food to cook faster, and thus it has less time to absorb the oil.

  8. mynvision
    mynvision says:

    I'm neither vegan nor vegetarian, but I'm so obsessed with your videos. I love watching them, and because of you, I've put a couple of cans of young green jackfruit in brine into my Asian grocery food cart. šŸ¤£

  9. Sam StewArt
    Sam StewArt says:

    I am STOKED about this!! I've just recently tried jackfruit and absolutely love it. I'm always looking for new ways to use it and this looks SO good. Also, fish and chips is something I've really missed since becoming vegan. It's honestly one of the few things that I truly felt like I "gave up". That and cheese…yo, we need good vegan cheese y'all.
    * Side note: I've found with jackfruit that it is worth the time to boil it in seasoned broth after removing it from the can. It helps to soften the hard center, break apart easier and takes away that "tinny" taste. I would also marinate this overnight like Merle mentioned.

  10. Ashley Jo
    Ashley Jo says:

    Ok.. old vegan here needs to learn new tricks: you spoke about the "chew" associated with rice paper. Every time I use it I feel like I'm eating a condom full of veggies šŸ˜… WHAT am I doing wrong?! I tried air frying, then it shattered like glass.

  11. Albariza
    Albariza says:

    if you want to do battered stuff on the air fryer buyy those silicon mats for the oven! just put it over the basket with your filletes and the hot air will run through the sides of the basket, you might have to flip it halfway to even brown it, sounds delicious! I have the same air fryer oven thing and I airfry EVERYTHING haha so if you want to give it another go


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