i tried one pot meal recipes for a day

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26 replies
  1. LittleRockQueen14
    LittleRockQueen14 says:

    i srsly dont understand why you continue eating chicken when you are always scared it might still be raw when vegan/vegetarian alternatives exist. same with milk, whenever you buy it you gag and are scared it might go bad instead of buying plantmilk. your body is telling you no but you say yes anyway, but bc of what lol?

  2. CB3
    CB3 says:

    Loving this domesticated queen of Kitchen vlogs, the food looks amazing Taz. Hugs ♥️ if too much salt in rice fried dish, heat it again and add honey.

  3. Sar A
    Sar A says:

    I agree with the comments about using a food thermometer. It has taken all my stress away with cooking meat. You can find the correct temperatures for each kind of meat online! Also you will learn how the texture of cooked meat looks, but I dont like to have to cut my meat to see if it is done. It's great you are trying recipes outbid your comfort zone. Dont give up! Cooking takes time to learn

  4. دلال حسين
    دلال حسين says:

    I actually ate the same breakfast for three years from someone who is really get bored from food. I just did not get bored from it . Surprisingly it’s very basic and simple. Guess what ?! it’s peanut butter and toast and honey. And sometimes I eat it also as a dinner.

  5. Jo Show
    Jo Show says:

    Nice video! So good to seeing you working on your cooking and trying new things. 🙂 Soon you'll be able to whip up your own recipes from everything you're learning!


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