I Tried Making The Ratatouille from Ratatouille

35 replies
  1. Amy Wishart
    Amy Wishart says:

    As someone who also grew up loathing tomatoes, I appreciate that you did the same I did in getting good tomatoes and adding them slowly to various things. I've learned to love them now after decades of avoiding them, but it was a slow process.

  2. Kate Apple
    Kate Apple says:

    I hate tomatoes too-wanna know a trick? Scoop the guts out 🤮 then you just have the skin which Isn’t gross and squishy. I put salt on mine or toss them with balsamic and feta and olives! My dads friend ate them like apples out of the garden… so gross 🤢 try them guts free-trust me you’re not alone in thinking they’re gross and weird

  3. Kate Apple
    Kate Apple says:

    You are the most genuine (yet slightly sarcastic and snarky 😉) youtuber out there 💕 keep being you sir, you’re great

    Also, ratatouille is so over hyped just like you said. It’s just veggies and nothing else 😂👎🏿

  4. Athena
    Athena says:

    Lions mane…. I know Andrew is a vegan so I know it’s not lions mane, but wtf is lions mane or am I Just stoned and heard him wrong ????? Either way kind of taken very aback by that

  5. Hannah Beth
    Hannah Beth says:

    my ENTIRE life, until JUST NOW, I thought ratatouille was just pepperoni and cheese stacked with sauce. I watched Ratatouille all the time when I was little and that's what I'd always thought it was and recently I'd been wanting to try to make it and was like "oh well, it's pepperoni my vegetarian self can't." I didn't even look up a recipe. You have blown my mind.

  6. Gudulpif
    Gudulpif says:

    The funny thing about the popularity of Disney's Ratatouille in the none French world (when it comes to this dish) is that, unlike what most people think, this is not a "ratatouille", this is called a "tian". A ratatouille would look a lot more like some sort of vegetable casserole.


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