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46 replies
  1. Courtney Luna
    Courtney Luna says:

    For more carnivore resources:

    Please like and subscribe if you enjoyed this video:

    Ebook on how to get started on your carnivore journey!

    I’d love to connect with you on the other platforms! You can find me on all the socials @itscourtneyluna and the social links are here:

    Discounts on bread cheese, carnivore snax, redmonds salt and more:

    5 Favorite Recipes (option for grocery list also pops up to download)


  2. Lolita sila
    Lolita sila says:

    I started diet and I feel fabulous!! Corrected a lot of illnesses.I still have coffee and dairy sometimes . I think you shouldn’t over think it -this is how humans ate historically so just feels right .Processed foods cause whole lot of shit diseases ( that includes carbs )

  3. Jessica C
    Jessica C says:

    I understand it's hard when you tell somebody you're going to do something and you quit early! but I'm grateful that you're honest that's more impressive to me 🙂

  4. Pearly Q
    Pearly Q says:

    The only person you have to answer to is you and God. It's way more fun when you're honest and you do what you need to do. I thought your reasons were pretty decent. You just got bored and hey, end of story!! Good enough for me! This way of life is a spiral and not a linear projection.

  5. Black & Keto
    Black & Keto says:

    One of the things I have always grappled with, when doing total elimination (BBBE/zero carb/etc.) is the point in the journey, when you can’t be creative. I lean toward carnivore but am actually ketovore, because I need the color and ability to be creative. 3 weeks is awesome and an accomplishment. 😊😊😊

  6. Charlene Campeau
    Charlene Campeau says:

    I'm on the Carnivore Lifestyle also, but I tried chicken and pork, they give me headaches. Same as broccoli and brusell sprouts too! And pepper…the oxalates.
    Great video ❤

  7. Jeannie
    Jeannie says:

    LOVE THIS! I've done a few stints of LION. I last about 3-4 weeks too! Felt the same, missed variety. And for me, eventually I just don't feel "right" eating Lion. But it's a nice tool to have in rotation! I'm amazed at the ppl who do it as a lifestyle!

  8. Lori Peterson
    Lori Peterson says:

    I blew it for a whole week due to my emotional eating problem. I let an addict turn me into a sugar addict to try and not be sad about family issues. Well guess what. Its ok. I blew it I knew it I didn't care. Now its time to care and take care of myself even if others are doing things that I don't like and know is dangerous. I matter and I am learning to love myself no matter what because if I am not well I can't help anyone

  9. salobreña
    salobreña says:

    I am mostly lion just ribeye, water and salt.. I found when I was consuming a lot of butter the weight would not shift as quickly.. My cheat days are pork ribs done in the air fryer but that is only once every 2 weeks.. weight is sliding off me

  10. Glenda
    Glenda says:

    You look amazing!

    And I do what I feel my body wants.
    I play around with it. I do lion for 3 days straight. Then will do carnivore for a few days then lion again.
    I love it!
    But I have to admit I REALLY like how I feel when I’m all meat only!

  11. Karnivore
    Karnivore says:

    My main roadblock was the cost. Even the cheapest beef absolutely destroyed my monthly budget. Adding in cheaper food like pork and eggs offsets the average cost, so I gotta wait until I make more money before I can afford to try the lion diet for any extended period of time.

  12. Cathy Sparks
    Cathy Sparks says:

    I went through caffeine detox about 10 yrs ago…WORST HEADACHE EVER (7 days). Since that time I’ve switched to either half-caff or just not having it every single day. I have to be careful because coffee/dairy can make skin sensitive to a psoriasis breakout in my body. However I have definitely found a variety of hot drinks I can have in the morning that makes like just as wonderful as it is with coffee every morning.

  13. Sara Wood
    Sara Wood says:

    You did better than me girlfriend; I quit that shit after two weeks 😅. I like having chicken and pork fish in my diet too for taste and cost. I decided not to do challenges anymore, especially if it’s just to do it and I’m not aiming for a particular goal. You did good! ❤

  14. Alley Di
    Alley Di says:

    I broke my carnivore diet on the weekend. I went to a steak house and accepted their 2kg challenge, 1kg steak, 1/2kg potatoe wedges, 1/2kg mixed vegetables in under 20mins. I managed to eat the meat and potatoes, didn’t touch the vegetables. Not gonna lie both tasted amazing. The day after my stomach wasn’t feeling the best however it only last a day or two. Back to normal now 🙂

  15. Fun1
    Fun1 says:

    You gotta do what works for you. Good to experiment with lots of options to work this out. No judgment here. Love your messages. Thanks!

  16. ChitChat2023
    ChitChat2023 says:

    I been on carnivore for 3 weeks and yesterday I just wanted some veggies so I made a tiny side salad from basic ingredients I got at the grocery store and gosh I felt horrible and my tummy was very upset..the next veggies I consume will be strictly garden veggies to see how I feel after that 🤞

  17. Polaris0613
    Polaris0613 says:

    You have to do what's best for you. Joy is a bigger deal than people think.
    With that said, I did notice that your face was brighter (don't know if that's the right term), while you were on the Lion Diet. You're brave. I didn't even make in a week on BBBE. LOL

  18. Steve Curtin
    Steve Curtin says:

    I was going to do lion but then I remembered I have 9 laying chickens so I added eggs, but I am withdrawing from caffeine and it's pretty bad so far (3 days in). My concern is getting enough calories for a man my size (6'2 210, very lean and trying to gain weight for bodybuilding). I ate 3lbs of beef today and it's still only around 2800ca. Thinking of adding butter but I'm going to watch the scale and see what it does.

  19. bellekordo
    bellekordo says:

    I did a 90 day carnivore fasting challenge. And it totally was sucking the life out of me. By the end of the 90 days my hair was falling out, I was cold all the time. I had diarrhea. I got a cold sore. I was obsessively thinking about and craving carbs. I was so happy to stop. I thought it might be a way of life for me…I heard so many good things about fasting. But I was miserable. The 90 days took FOREVER! I am now trying to just do regular carnivore (never has it sounded so good!) And get back on track to where I was before the fasting challenge. My point is….not everything works wonders for everyone. You prob did the right thing FOR YOU by ending the beef only diet.

  20. Greg McNair
    Greg McNair says:

    Oh goodness. First, I realized I hadn't subscribed to your channel! Second, I love coffee as much as you. Third, to be creative, I just swap forks hands. I'm not ambidextrous, so I challenge myself eating with the fork in my left hand. Only cut off my thumb twice, so not so bad! And 4th, GREAT JOB. Thanks for sharing with us.

  21. linda richie
    linda richie says:

    I myself couldn’t be that restricted with the lion diet! I need my coffee ☕️ lol but I have cut that in half ! I’m sticking to the carnivore way but I’m like you Courtney I love my dairy from time to time !
    I’m proud of you trying it ! ❤ Can’t wait to see what you cook up next !

  22. pRAWimalMike
    pRAWimalMike says:

    Caffeine is NOT energy. It blocks adenosine receptors and therefore causes you to feel less tired but will eventually catch up to you after its concentration goes down. You did well Courtney, you listened to your body which is important


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