I quit keto… then this happend! rapid weight gain after quitting keto diet / Daniela diaries

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quittingketo #lifeafterketo #ketoweightgain #willcarbsmakeyoufat #danieladiaries I quit keto… then this happened. Rapid weight …

45 replies
  1. Yvette Macarthur
    Yvette Macarthur says:

    I'm 55 and still worry about what others think, and have very low self-esteem. I did keto really well for almost a year and have now been struggling with it for 1.5 years. I start and the fall off binge on junk food because I'm so addicted to sugar. I thought about to WW again, because I have tried every diet at least 3 plus times. I have been over weight since I was a child. I'm struggling because I'm afraid to add so many carbs back as I've learned how they can cause so much issues and not having them cure so much. Well this has led me to gain all my weight back yet again as I turn to sweets. I miss some of the yummy salads that have beans and corn eat, and am thinking about add those back in just not every day. I guess I'm just tired of dealing with this all my life. I know I should seek canceling but not really sure how to start. Sorry this is so long maybe you didn't even read all of it, but if you did I want you to know how beautiful you are, and you look amazing.

  2. melissa pintone
    melissa pintone says:

    Thank you for this video! You rock!! That’s all i hear keto diet! I could never do it! Only thing that’s help me is intermittent fasting! I’ve lost my weight and maintaining. I still eat what I love but during a time restriction. ❤

  3. Autumn Reese
    Autumn Reese says:

    Wow. That had to have been so hard to talk about. 😳❤️ Thank you for sharing. Be aware of how many times you refer to what other people have said, are saying, or will say. I understand the natural tendency for disclaimers but you seem to do it quite a bit. A lot of these comments that you're referring to, we don't see those. You got this 🙂.


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  5. Elizabeth Konzelmann
    Elizabeth Konzelmann says:

    I always come back to your videos because you are so honest and sincerely vulnerable-that’s pretty rare for social media. Honey, don’t you ever feel bad for having “issues”. We all have them. You are succeeding because you are actively identifying your issues and working on them! Hooray! I’m 47 and have definitely not figured it all out yet, but I keep working on it. All the best to you, God Bless!

  6. Raean Olson
    Raean Olson says:

    OMG That's Me!! Over a Year did nothing for me and went up not alot but 5 pounds is alot to me! No Need to feel bad thinking I need to Talk to Someone Thanks So Much For Sharing I am in My 50s and Stil worrie about HowI Look!!!! Don't think it will Ever Go Away!!

  7. Miss Dee
    Miss Dee says:

    Thank you for this I remember to this day hearing my mother making her self sick when I was a child 😢 I didn’t start gaining weight myself until I got older and tried Keto but when my doctor said my cholesterol was too high I stopped and gained back the 50 lbs and more and now I feel stuck and my A1C is up , I think if I would have kept up with exercise I wouldn’t have gained the weight. Now I feel stuck

  8. Rachael Beckstead
    Rachael Beckstead says:

    Thanks for your honest and real video! I feel like most people who struggle with being overweight also deal with some kind of disordered eating. It's really brave to talk about it! I am wondering if you can give me your opinion. I'm 46 years old and lost 85 pounds doing keto between 2019 and 2021. But the last couple of years, the weight has been creeping back up. I've had hormonal issues, and some injuries, but even doing the same things, I haven't been able to maintain my weightloss. Then I'll get frustrated and eat all the things, since being strict doesn't seem to work anyway. When I am very strict, the weight doesn't come off like it used to. I am very active. At least 3x per week strength training, and regular running. I feel like keto has wrecked my metabolism, and definitely has me feeling like a lot of healthy foods are unhealthy. I definitely have a bingeing issue that i don't feel like i had before keto. It has also been life changing for me. I struggle with arthritis in my knees, hips, back, neck, and shoulders. And keto really does cut down on the pain I feel. But I now have 25 pounds that I want to permanently lose… and keto really isn't helping me do that. What do you think I should do?? I'm so frustrated!

  9. McKenzi Irwin
    McKenzi Irwin says:

    I love hearing your experience with this, Dani! For me, I lost so much weight (193 pounds) and I lost it in a decent manner. But I stopped tracking and it was just strict keto but somehow gained 21 pounds in a year.. and I’m beating myself up. I have PCOS, and for awhile keto was the best! But I stopped working out, yet I’m still slowly gaining and I don’t want to do that.. I want to lose another 30 with the 21 I gained. But I’m so scared like you said, to add carbs. I feel like I’m so crazy about reading labels, make sure there’s no Maltodextrin, dextrose, etc. cutting out everything. I love popcorn, my Iced americano with heavy cream and cinnamon powder at Starbucks. Maybe some different healthy veggies. I’m scared. But like you said.. I want to workout and weight train, tone up. But I have NO STRENGTH TO DO IT! I feel so weak and so exhausted by the time I wake up to the time I eat and then crash shortly after. ( eating lean Turkey, veggies with no fats, and maybe some green olives) that’s it. Or egg whites.

    Keto worked for awhile and got me a flat belly but man.. I’m not happy. I feel horrible. I actually have a eating disorder as well.

  10. HeatherD
    HeatherD says:

    I was so strict on keto for years and maybe lost 20lbs. I was absolutely miserable! Like you, I made the change to no restricting but hitting macros. I have lost 45lbs in 6 months and am stronger than I’ve ever been. I don’t feel deprived and I’ve found I don’t even crave the old way I ate. I have the energy and I lift heavy 5 days a week. I never knew how much mental anguish I was putting myself through convincing myself carbs were the devil. So happy for you!

  11. At Home with Texas Girl
    At Home with Texas Girl says:

    100% truth Girl!! 🙌 I stopped Keto and NO i didn't gain the weight back. Bc i eat healthy food. Not junk. I cut way back on "keto treats". I still love Quest products. But i had to learn what was my maintenance calories was and then be in a caloric deficit. Plain and simple. Im much happier not being on keto. I love that i can eat all fruit again. I missed it.

  12. Patricia Beaudin
    Patricia Beaudin says:

    I just love you. I work as a nurse in mental health you give me hope. Even at your age the struggle you went thru it's ok. Even me at 54 I still stuggle with food. I am so proud of you. Just love your videos you are so real. Because you aren't the only one struggling 💚

  13. Breezy Godiva
    Breezy Godiva says:

    You asked about how the keto people we follow are now. I'm not exaggerating, every single keto person Ive followed for years have met their goals, completely shifted gears and are THRIVING!!! You, Nicole, even Keto Connect and some others. It's no longer about weight loss. Its now about strength and body comp. Eating foods that work for them instead ya know. Alot of them have turned to an anabolic way of life and have maintained.

  14. Joy80
    Joy80 says:

    Thank you for sharing your honest journey with keto. Its not for everyone.
    I used clean keto also to lose weight for few months & felt sickly after awhile. I switched to IF with low carb omad & lost 80lbs in 2020-21. Kept off even though now I am on a flexible diet with a mediterranean twist…also do resistance training now & feel great. Food has no morality!! Whatever works for you to lose wgt/better health. You do You!

  15. Kaley's Country Kitchen & Crafts
    Kaley's Country Kitchen & Crafts says:

    I have tried keto off and on for years. Off because it isn't sustainable for life. On again because as soon as I quit, I gained weight. I am a type 2 diabetic and I did try Carnivore for 5 months and I did lose 40lbs. My blood sugar HATED IT though! I couldn't get it below 200 and I was eating ZERO carbs! After the 5 months, I added veggies back and after my very first meal with vegetables, my blood sugar dropped 80 points! So I went back to keto for the vegetables and I didnt lose anymore weight for 3 months. My blood sugar numbers were better but no weight loss. Then I caught your videos. I used to watch you for keto and you stopped keto so I quit watching, but I am so thankful for your channel Daniellal! I was still subscribed and I searched you out to see what you were up to these days. I AM SO GLAD I DID! You made me realize that this doesn't have to be this way. I was engaging in disordered eating. WOW! Yes!! That's exactly what it is! So I started to watch you again and started some research and seek out other testimonies of how people did it without keto. And it is calorie restriction! You MUST be in a caloric deficit. Period. I never counted calories on keto or carnivore because I was told I didn't have to. It was all about the carbs. That's bullsh@&t! Calories matter and that's the only way I will lose weight and keep it off. I started to eat in a caloric deficit and I lost 8lbs in my first 2 weeks. Still losing slow but slow and steady wins the race. Keep doing what you're doing girl, please! I look for your videos. You're an inspirations and thank I wanted to thank you for your courage to share! You have made a difference in my life. I promise you that! Oh and my sugars are still getting better and better. This type 2 diabetes will be reversed and I am much better off doing it this way! Thanks again!🥰

  16. PinkieJoJo
    PinkieJoJo says:

    I have tried keto many times. Clean keto. Dirty keto. Carnivore. Etc. Etc. At this point I’m done with diets. Oh but keto is a lifestyle not a diet. No. It’s a diet like all others. I’m really just trying to reduce sugars and junk food now. I’m just trying to only eat when hungry and stop when full. If I eat a meal that makes me feel bad I evaluate what I had and reduce or avoid those things.

    Keto never made me full. I was always hungrier on it.

  17. Jaclyn Rivera
    Jaclyn Rivera says:

    Girl, no one ever has it ALL together all the time. We're all constantly learning and growing, thats what life is all about. Dont feel embarrassed, you live and you learn. A lesson you can pass on to others

    FOOD 4 THE SOUL says:

    This was Excellent I I'm going threw the same thing now where I battle with Carb phobia bcuz I've been keto so long and I beat myself up this is real
    It definitely is disordered
    Eating I have increased my carbs to 60 to 70
    Bcuz I need fiber to regulate ur system and honestly I don't want to live off 20 carbs I was not enjoying myself so I strength train and eat sensible thank you for being volnerabale ❤️❤️

  19. Sarah Lenzen
    Sarah Lenzen says:

    Girl! You are doing amazing. I feel the same way! I'm not losing weight, and yes I know I'm supposed to try to stick with me to. But I just couldn't. I'm losing weight now! It's just fabergasting to me. So unbelievably proud of you!!! Me to works for some, but not everyone. And there's nothing wrong with that. Thank you for making this video even though it was difficult! Love ya! ❤🥰😘

  20. Andrea D. RN
    Andrea D. RN says:

    I tried keto for several years also. Everyone around me was miserable! I did loose body fat but I wrecked my metabolism by trying to fast. During my time with keto & other major stressors in my life, I found out that I had a genetic heart issue. Now I’m still low carb due to food allergies (wheat/gluten/fish/corn), but I eat fruit or vegetables that I want. My weight is actually lower now also than it was on Keto when I finally stopped it.

  21. Lisa Turner
    Lisa Turner says:

    You look Beautiful! Good to see you happy. I do Keto for health reasons, the weight is secondary. Once again we are Individuals..one size does not fit all. I also am not dogmatic, sometimes I enjoy some Wonderful carbs then back to my health journey. You look healthy, keep up the good work. I also believe the kind of exercise you are doing can be life changing for any of us, the body was meant to move!!! 😊


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