I Quit Eating These 10 Carnivore Foods & Here’s Why

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Discover why I made the decision to stop eating these 10 carnivore foods. Use code SBGAL50 to get 50% off your first Factor box …

46 replies
  1. Caio Miranda
    Caio Miranda says:

    Hi Steak and Butter Gal I like to play acoustic guitar and electric guitar in every cool music and I learn to play acoustic guitar and electric guitar in YouTube video about acoustic guitar lesson and electric guitar lesson in some channels in YouTube.
    My favorite instrument that I play is acoustic guitar, electric guitar and vocal.

  2. David
    David says:

    My carnivore intake is very low and I have now noticed that my interstitial cystitis and benign prostate hyperplasia is in reverse.
    Dairy is very minimal and I will gradually stop having this food as well. I only drink decaffeinated tea and filtered water. Thank you for the informative video presentation.

  3. Steven Sushi Vlogs
    Steven Sushi Vlogs says:

    Day 7 on carnivore just got over the keto flu that was BRUTAL! 😂 but now I’m feeling so energized I noticed my body has become more sensitive to caffeine , maybe because my body is already become very energetic 😳 and Bella about the cold water I THOUGHT I WAS CRAZY! It seems that room temp water my body absorbs a lot faster and I feel more hydrated

  4. judy murray
    judy murray says:

    I always bought the wild caught salmon from Costco, but on one occasion while eating their salmon, I discovered it was full of worms!!! No joking! I quit counting after a dozen! I felt sick and traumatized? I can’t do the wild caught anymore. Maybe I’ll try again from a different source down the line…way down the line.

  5. Debbie Goad
    Debbie Goad says:

    No farmed seafood for me, even before my journey 2.5 years ago. I will be looking for raw cheese at Costco and Wegmans.
    Im not sure i can handle room temp water and tea. But may have to try it. I also avoid deli meats. It's a rare treat at parties when there is no other carnivore choices.

  6. Christina Hutchison
    Christina Hutchison says:

    For lamb try bringing the lamb. I grew up eating lamb and my grandfather always salted it and let it set for a hour to bring out some of that flavor then pat them dry delicious. I’ve prepared lamb this way for people who said they didn’t like lamb and they loved it also don’t overcook.

  7. Teresa Marrero
    Teresa Marrero says:

    Many year ago my dad got me drinking things at room temperature.
    I also cut salt out almost completely, over 20 years ago but i had been having horrible cramping for many years undiagnosed.
    Well when i started the carnivore this summer i realized it's probably all been from the lack of sodium. So I've added it back in and voila no more cramping.

  8. Sebastijan Maglovsky
    Sebastijan Maglovsky says:

    thank you…. info about cheese was jackpot for me, hope i'll find RAW cheese it in my area.

    about stevia
    it is not artifical swetener. i am buying it in dry leaves form and than mix ist into dust.
    it is natural.
    It realy helps to have something instead of carbs

  9. Peace
    Peace says:

    Several foods you mention are high in histamine.
    Do you have experience with the 'plantfree GAPS protocol' of Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride to heal the gut? (Gut And Physiology Syndrom).

  10. Annie G
    Annie G says:

    Two years carnivore and down to eating only lamb and salt and water.
    Have RA and thyroid issues. Beef makes me feel crappy and my nose starts running!
    Maybe some day after my autoimmune problems are gone I can reintroduce those other meats and eggs!!
    Lamb is super fatty, so I don’t need butter. Do what works for you!!
    Check out Tammy Petersons carnivore diet testimonial! (Yes, that is Jordan’s wife.)

  11. Helga Culbert
    Helga Culbert says:

    Growing up in Germany, we never even had ice cubes. My mom said that it is unhealthy for your stomach to drink cold beverages and it could even lead to a sore throat. Tea was always warm and mineral water said on the counter for us to drink at room temperature.

  12. Phillip Shaw
    Phillip Shaw says:

    What do you think 🤔 of Celtic Salt as I use a very little each day with slipping Spring Water, but thank you for your constant encouragement! It's much appreciated! ❣️👍🏼

  13. Mastering Fibromyalgia
    Mastering Fibromyalgia says:

    I'm not there yet…..I know I should drop the cheese, but I am just not there yet.

    I dropped shrimp, rarely eat fish, or other shell fish, mostly eat high fat beef, got lamb this week and so excited for that, still eat a stick of butter a day, rarely eat chicken, and force down pork if I must.

    cheese, heavy whipping cream, sour cream are still in my diet daily.

    I dropped them for like 10 days once, and I lost weight, but uhgh, it's definitely an addiction. I will look into non pasteurized cheese. The expense will probably encourage me to eat less of it.

    I also have not let go of coffee wine and spirits, I tested out vinegar and lemon juice and still on the bubble.

    20mo carnivore here, with a few liquid plant products that I am not sure I have to let go of.

    Thank you for this!

  14. TheAnnestube
    TheAnnestube says:

    About the cheese – when she mentioned which cheeses she ate, they were all cheeses with fungi, brie and gorgonzola, and i think it's more the fungi that caused the inflammation than them being pasteurised.
    I just wonder why someone as knowledgeable as her, didn't even consider that.
    And it also reminds me not to blindly trust everthing that influencers say and do.
    Think for yourself.
    If eating a purist diet, what do you think will have the biggest grade of inflammation – auddenly adding in something that seriously changes your gutflora (like fungi), og eating something that has been pasteurised?

  15. Smiling4u
    Smiling4u says:

    One of the many things I appreciate about the carnivore way of eating is being so intuned and aware of my body now and how it reacts to certain foods and knowing the difference between hunger , cravings and boredom and emotional eating. Alot of us live so "used" to feeling bad, that we accept it as normal and don't even notice it's not, if that makes sense.

  16. Rita jean
    Rita jean says:

    No cheese for me either,I am bloated because I added lunch meat olive loaf for the salt. I been carnivore for 13 months
    I am stopping it now I’ve done this for 3days now.
    I need help because I have gain weight!
    I get it .


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