I Officially Quit Drinking (For Real This Time)

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28 replies
  1. Dania
    Dania says:

    Hey Corn. I was over Coz's yesterday, my names Dania, what up…I was gonna come over with him to your bbq, but I have severe social anxiety sometimes so I decided against it. He told me you quit drinking. Idk you, but I used to have a pretty bad black out drinking problem and I fkng commend you. Shits hard, not everyone succeeds.
    Hopefully Coz shared some gator alfredo with ya, and I brought a bunch of wire wraps for him to give to people for me, I hope you'll get one.
    I'm a prayer, so I'm praying for your success at beating that shit. 🥰
    Have a lovely day, hope to meet ya one of these days.

  2. D Calkins
    D Calkins says:

    It took me several attempts and two decades to quit for good. Good for you! Naltraxone helped me a lot through the adjustment / edgy period and made the difference between going backwards and kicking it for good (hopefully!) 5 years out. Good luck!

  3. Rings ‘n Things
    Rings ‘n Things says:

    Six years sober, I play guitar,bike ride,lost wax caster silversmithing,grow weed,fish,read,sand blast glass,paint,listen to records,when I drink my nose bleeds turns into a red cherry,throw up blood,feel like shit. Now no more hang overs. I quit smoking 15 days ago. Good luck. Stay healthy and you can get real shit faced sober!

  4. Voodoo Ninja
    Voodoo Ninja says:

    I'm pretty chill now I just drink a few beers I quit whiskey to much will turn you into someone else and we say things that we don't mean it can be tough but your a strong person and we love and respect you 🤘

  5. grey
    grey says:

    Alcohol is a shitty drug. I prefer to drink pure coconut water with a hint of lime and a splash of ziggy poppers or flipple floppers depending on day, it helps ease vegus nerve..

  6. amy carlock
    amy carlock says:

    You are the best.
    So humble, real. Just you!
    You are one of my very favorite humans!!!!
    I hope you have the best BBQ.
    I want to be there at the BBQ so badly,
    however needed-knee-replacement-surgeries have me stuck at home (Eugene, Oregon).
    Thank you for the music references, I have found in your videos.
    Sending appreciation & gratitude your way.

    I went through a Pine & Fire phase a few months ago.

  7. Jac Caj
    Jac Caj says:

    I work at a Kratom bar in Palisade, CO. I'll have to find out how to send stuff to the library, research legalities for your region and possibly ship you some free samples🙂 we sell blue lotus, kanna, kava and coffee as well. Congrats on sobriety! It's badass when people are strong and smart enough to tackle thier s**t.
    Btw: grapefruit juice will potentiate kratom, but certain enzymes in it will cause its duration to shorten, which is a bummer because they go really well together. Good citrus potentiating options that help with flavor are lemon and orange juice. Honey is similar as well.
    Best wishes!

  8. TerriRae
    TerriRae says:

    Congratulations Corn!! 🎉🎉 Chuck and I have been clear for a year as of thanksgiving 2021. Just over a year. I don't even get cravings for it anymore. When I finally decided to stop, I just up and stopped cold turkey. Not everyone can do that. Withdrawals from alcohol can be very dangerous. Take good care. I know you drink lots of water 💦
    Love ya Corn ♥️
    Terri 1:04 am


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