I made the ratatouille from RATATOUILLE! (and added a little extra!) Confit Byaldi

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Creamy Vegan Mashed Potatoes: https://youtu.be/SFA6KVGF4hA A post on Reddit inspired me to make the ratatouille from …

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  1. @AuntieRachelsChaoticKitchen
    @AuntieRachelsChaoticKitchen says:

    Creamy Vegan Mashed Potatoes: https://youtu.be/SFA6KVGF4hA

    – Thoughts on the cooking time; TLDR; To get the exact appearance I was after, at the same time as getting better flavour and texture, I think cooking the slices flat on trays before assembling is the only way to achieve that. I’ll expand;

    In a dish/pan without the potato layer, the juices will simmer the veggies, and would benefit from a longer cooking time. But because the juice flooded out into the potato layer, the sliced veg just steamed (instead of effectively poaching). A couple of thoughts to combat this; use a pie tin with holes in it like I used in the layered tart (link: https://youtu.be/JjaorzhdPpk), without the paper, and put that inside something like a pizza pan. That way, the juices will flow out into the pan, and can then be basted over the veg every 15 mins or so (don’t leave for too long, or it will start to evaporate). The issue with that, however, will be how to get everything out of the tin neatly! The holed tin I have is a solid piece, ie, the base doesn’t come away. You could try laying 2 strips of baking parchment/silicone down to help you lift it out. You will need to let everything cool completely before removing as it will be very unstable fresh out of the oven.

    Or, thoroughly grease a springform cake tin, arrange everything in without paper, and release the tin a few times during the cooking (inside a dish to catch the juices), but don’t fully remove the tin or leave it open too long, otherwise it will collapse. Alternatively, you could bake the veg flat on trays, and then assemble the layers; add the sauce first, arrange the slices, and also thin out some of the sauce and baste that over the top.

    – Next time I make the dish, I think I’m going to bake it in a pyrex dish, covered, at 150°C/300°F for 45 mins so that the veg steam and release the juices. Then remove the paper, and increase the temperature to 170 to see if the higher heat will help evaporate more of the moisture. I might even use a knife/spatula to wiggle thin lines in, to act as steam vents. I may also try tilting the dish every so often to scoop the juices out and baste that over the top. My concern with doing that is that everything will just slide out…

    Alternatively, it may be worth trying a higher temperature oven so that it produces more steam and evaporates more, and perhaps even arrange the veg (and/or the potatoes) so there’s a gap in the middle which will act as a steam spout/chimney

    Other recipe notes and tips:

    – After soaking your potatoes, you can keep the starch to use in cooking & baking! I haven’t done it myself yet, but I just found this article for you: https://bakinghermann.com/potato-starch/

    – The dish reheated really well in the microwave; I tucked more of the vegan camembert in between the sliced veggies for heating. One day, I also added some Maggi seasoning & Tabasco for extra flavour; delicious! The flavour of the dish itself improved over time; I had the last piece 5 days later, and it was incredible


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