I Made 9 Low-Carb Dinners For Two People On A $25 Budget (In NYC!)

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Senior food producer, June, is challenged with making as many low-carb dinners as she can for two people with a $25 budget. GET THE RECIPES: …

28 replies
  1. Beti S.
    Beti S. says:

    I love that June brings up the point that the budget is king for many people, not the diet principle. When you're not well off, and you go to the store with $X, that's not a "planned" amount that you can just go over if you see some healthier options. It is the end all/be all amount.

  2. Phil Holzbauer
    Phil Holzbauer says:

    June, First, love your videos. One small suggestion. Low Carb or Keto uses a lot of eggs. Liquid egg substitutes like Egg Beaters are so much healthier with almost no carbs and no cholesterol.

  3. Kattra Blake
    Kattra Blake says:

    Oh right and that tea is a no no to caffeine spikes blood sugar.
    Yes I know life without carbs and caffeine sucks.
    Oh and that fatigue that is probably your body throwing a tantrum because it is not used to going without carbs.

  4. Little Squirrel
    Little Squirrel says:

    Would live to see you make things with normal ingredients because this was not realistic …..yet you did amazing things I just don't think it hits the mark. This episode was "SCARY MEATS SND GROSS EATS, LOVINGLY AND CREATIVELY PREPARED"


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