I Knew This Would Happen… Full Day Of Intuitive Eating [Tears Were Shed!]

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11 replies
  1. JNovaCooking
    JNovaCooking says:

    Didn’t know what I wanted for breakfast this morning. I was already thinking cereal. Came into YouTube and saw you posted. Once you mentioned your smoothie cereal I was like YES! I haven’t tried it yet and I have yogurt and dried fruit I need to use, so this is the perfect time for it 🙌 love these full days of eating! They give my so many different ideas and love trying new things on the daily.

  2. StopBullyingEugeniaCooney
    StopBullyingEugeniaCooney says:

    Happy to see food making you cry this way, instead of the other way, you've come a long way. No more breakdowns over dinner for you or for me now, hopefully. 10:16 reminds me of walking tacos using smaller chip bags. Ever hear of them? They make them as a treat for us at work during Environmental Services week at the hospital that I work. I used to be scared to eat them, because of my food fears (chips = bad). But not anymore! I conquered all my food fears like a warrior and no longer feel emasculated like I did when I sat down before my RD and told her all my food fears two Junes ago. Now I only have rational food fears, like those green peppers you added there. My mom and I are allergic to them or something.

  3. Andie Land
    Andie Land says:

    You definitely got me with the title! lol I have injured my knee and I can't really cook at the moment since I can't walk/stand for more than a minute – any suggestions with ways to stay more balanced when you can't cook/are relying on convenience foods or ones you don't have to cook? I've been doing salad kits which are tasty but not necessarily protein packed.


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