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Yep, it’s true. Ya girls got some inflamed ovaries. In this video I explain what PCOS is and how to know if you have it. The most important thing I left out of the …

44 replies
  1. More Salt Please
    More Salt Please says:

    Yep, it’s true. Ya girls got some inflamed ovaries. In this video I explain what PCOS is and how to know if you have it. The most important thing I left out of the video was – get blood tests done! Your results will be able to help diagnose you and/or help figure out what is going on hormonally. You want to get your testosterone levels, estrogen levels, androgens and inflammation levels checked. If you’re able to, seek help outside of your primary care provider. Primary doctors aren’t well versed on hormonal issues and will prescribe birth control to regulate your symptoms – which is NOT the answer 🙅🏻‍♀️

  2. Stephanie H
    Stephanie H says:

    PCOS is also called "diabetes of the ovaries." Blood sugar control is crucial, therefore low carb/keto is the way to go for 99% of women. Good luck on your health journey!

  3. Courtney Bain
    Courtney Bain says:

    I'm 23 and have dealt with all the symptoms since I was 15. My doctor told me I had it and that was basically it. All she said was lose weight and it might help. So I've had to do all my own research about it. The worst thing I have to deal with is my hair. It's receded so much and no medical professionals seem to be able to help me. All they say is lose weight! Which is extremely hard to do with PCOS.

  4. Monika
    Monika says:

    I just found out that I have PCOS and I’m so glad I found your channel – its a freaky thing to find out but I’m glad to know that I’m not alone

  5. Cherokee Neal
    Cherokee Neal says:

    Me and my wife are trying to have a baby and I had an ultrasound on my ovaries and she said its looks like I have pcos. I'm a hairy bitch lol. But also my weight has been out of control. I'm honestly so discouraged..idk what to do

  6. Alice Shuttleworth
    Alice Shuttleworth says:

    I've been Disgnosed With PCOS Myself in the past year Ive Struggled so Much that I find it so Hard to cope with all the time that I have my highs and lows Everyday I can find it Hard Coping with my own Depression . But I knew there was sonething wrong with in the first place Because My period wasn't always on time but only like 3 or 4 months down the line then Im told off My doctors I will struggle to have Children ,so They put me onto the pill to see if it will help my periods and it has abit but as much ,and having PCOS Im always hungry Amd I don't understand why I just want all this to go away and being so low all the time and putting weight on ,it isn't fair at all .

  7. Diana
    Diana says:

    I was diagnosed with PCOS when 11 years old, now I am 23. With puberty I gained weight and I had real period only once and it was last year on holiday, I don´t know why and how, it just happened but before and after that just NOTHING. It´s hard, but I finaly had that strength to change my life, I don´t eat processed sugar(like candy,chocolate,soda etc.) I am also a vegetarian for 4 years now, but my main problem always was sweet food as I don´t know how to manage I did eat..a lot..whatever and whenever I wanted 🙁 Few days ago, I told my self: Just stop, stop know that you want to be healthy, you can do it, you just have to start and believe in your self. So I started..I exercise everyday too and I enjoy it <3 Thank you for this video

  8. 0hSnapJackster
    0hSnapJackster says:

    I’ve also diagnosed myself with PCOS … I check off most of the symptoms. So I’m on a low carb plan – but eat “healthy” carbs in veg/fruit form. I’ve been taking evening primrose rose oil and ashwagandha supplements, I’ve heard it helps.

  9. Lisa Evans
    Lisa Evans says:

    I would love more videos on PCOS. The docs are thinking my 17-year-old has PCOS and we are trying to work on a diet and other issues we can do to help her. Thank you

  10. Cristina DiMuro
    Cristina DiMuro says:

    Good explanation. I am a PCOS success story. I saw a nutritionist and went on Ovasitol and was able to lose 10 lbs and get pregnant with my son. I think my Mom had it too. You need the vaginal ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis.

  11. krysta
    krysta says:

    Hey thanks for sharing really appreciate it. I have a question about your mom. Did she feel better or have less symptoms of inflammation after her Hysterectomy? Nice shirt btw🤘

  12. bex mcd
    bex mcd says:

    A low GI (low glycemic index) diet has been an absolute game changer, lessened most, if not all of my symptoms, started having regular periods for the first time in 8 years too! I went on it because I was having Severe carbohydrate intolerance to the point where I collapsed on the side of the road after eating lunch. It was a long road, maybe 2 years, but did and continues to do absolute wonders.
    All my symptoms lessened or went away.
    My symptoms have been a bit all over the place in the last 2-3 months due to a lot of stress. But unfortunately that’s a given.

    What I will say is be careful with watermelon, it does have a high glycemic index, so not the best for PCOS, but it’s healthy, it’s a fruit… but it did make me collapse when I was travelling through Europe with my friends.
    Everyone is different so what works best for me may not be what works for everyone else, but it’s worth looking into Low Gi/Gluten-free/dairy free diets as those diets have been seen to improve symptoms, but one of these or a combination of two may work really well for someone else, and not as well for someone else.

    It’s a long road to figure out what works fir you and your body and PCOS, but worth it.

  13. My Pets
    My Pets says:

    I’ve just been diagnosed with pcos and I’m only 15 😳 I got diagnosed at 14, only just turned 15 on jan 1st but like I’ve got it at such a young age x

  14. Becky Gosky
    Becky Gosky says:

    I was diagnosed with PCOS at age 25. They need to change the name because it doesn’t always involve cystic ovaries like mine did not. I felt the struggle of, “it’s hard to lose weight but the treatment was to lose weight.”

  15. X X
    X X says:

    I read the comments, so for girls with pcos the best way to have it under control is being vegetarian, low carbs and lose weight correct? 🙂

  16. A Rowe
    A Rowe says:

    I would also get tested for Hashimotos autoimmune disease or low thyroid. I don’t know if anyone has told you, but You look like you have a swollen thyroid, the gland at the front of your throat. It causes all of the symptoms you talked about. I never had periods, was told I was infertile. You have no metabolism and can’t gain weight. Stress triggers flare ups. It is a systematic disease that causes many different symptoms and is difficult to get a diagnoses. Low thyroid can also cause similar symptoms. Your thyroid controls everything.

  17. Gabrielle Romo
    Gabrielle Romo says:

    So how long did that diet last?! lol. I JUST got "diagnosed" "it looks like you have pcos, because high testosterone levels" Eye rolls… The body is so complex and they barely look at what's going on in your body.. Like what am I allergic to? Ugh! LOL. She also said metformin or birth control pills, I shook my head no at both. Like I have NEVER taken birth control. Metformin is in commercials and my dad takes it.. just no thanks. I don't like pills. I have to eat right if I want to change things. I am going with a Anti Inflammatory/PCOS/Mediterranean food style ALSO intermittent fasting is amazing to lose weight. One day you eat, the next day you don't you would think its crazy but once your stomach shrinks you just don't eat as much, and your body has more time to heal itself. You can have animal protein which is good for people with PCOS, but just adding vegetables and vitamins.. I think it's key for me to think about it like I am ADDING foods not completely throwing out all the foods I'm used to .. Just adding things that benefit your body, that make you feel better, and have more energy, like I had pizza yesterday and was ready to fall asleep.. So that didn't give me energy, but vegetables in soup usually I feel good after eating that. 😀

  18. Mafe Barrón
    Mafe Barrón says:

    I have pcos and have an 8 year-old-son. After I gave birth my hormones went crazy, had my period every four months 😓 lost Hair, gain weight had fertility Issues … 😔 i got tired from all the symptoms and changed my eating habits … lost 14 pounds and my periods went from every 4 months to 1 1/2 months ☺️ … last week I went to the doctor and she told me I need to take metformin and reduce sugar intake (I love sweets 😓) … the struggle is real … would like to have a second baby , but it will take some time I guess … sorry if my english is not that good .. Im from Lima – Peru 😊

  19. Beany Vlogs
    Beany Vlogs says:

    I suffer from PCOS as well. I have been struggling since 5th grade and I am now a freshman in college. I was just diagnosed last week because I just started seeing a new doctor and he finally diagnosed me.

  20. iloveyou 3000
    iloveyou 3000 says:

    Do you eat any protein? Because your diet is mostly carbs and avocado for fat which isn't healthy. Maybe add some tofu and lentils in to your diet. You will have huge protein deficiecy if you keep eating like this.

  21. josie jane
    josie jane says:

    hey, i was diagnosed with PCOS today and im not feeling great about my diagnosis. im 15 years old and this is the last thing i need and im really worried about living with this disorder. is anyone willing to guide me through all this and be there to support me? it would mean a lot. starting Metformin and the pill tomorrow. 💗💗


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