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Welcome back everyone! Today we are sharing another day at home with us on our homestead! #largefamilylove #baking …

31 replies
  1. Brenda Tate
    Brenda Tate says:

    Praying for you my sweet friend! Give yourself some grace and rest. I know that is hard for you because you are such a go getter! Garry has done great 👍!
    Hope you feel better soon! 🙏🏻 Sending you much love and a big hug 🤗

  2. marla smith
    marla smith says:

    Love all the good people around you…Bless your heart, Tiffany. You will feel better in time. Try to be patient with yourself. Self-care. Prayers from me will continue for you and your family.

  3. Diane Okura
    Diane Okura says:

    I had my gall bladder removed and except for the very beginning I have not had to change my diet at all. Everyone is different so take it slow and you will find what works for you. Rest when you can and accept help when it’s offered.

  4. L. J.
    L. J. says:

    Hope you will feel back to normal real soon Tiffany! Take it easy after your surgery. Gary did a fine job on helping out and cooking etc. You are truly blessed to have him, your family and the great church family that has helped so much. Praying for your complete healing.

  5. Cheryl Pritchard
    Cheryl Pritchard says:

    Hi Tiffany just been catching up i hope your feeling a little better as for what to eat low fat diet as the nurse said bland foods till you feel better to experiment with what foods suit you post op god bless my friend 🥰🙏🌹

  6. karen speciale
    karen speciale says:

    Gerry did a great job!! He's such a good husband. Happily so is mine. I checked on Simply Health and they can tell you all the things to not eat, like eggs, turkey, pork. Good luck!! Wish you much luck!!!

  7. Steph H
    Steph H says:

    I had my gallbladder removed 3 years ago. The hospital gave me no help in regards of what I could eat. They said I should be able to eat whatever I wanted, which was not true. I had the same problems with digestion and breathing that you're having in this video. I still have trouble with grease, ground beef, anything acidy (like tomatoes or sauce), dairy, and salad (the lettuce and tomatoes).

    In 2015, I gave birth to our youngest and last child (im unable to have more now) while I was in a coma (autoimmune thing we didn't know about). We hadn't even attended church regularly for years and the church and a couple family friends brought us dinners every night for a week once I was home plus tons of people helped my husband and 3 older kids during the month that I was in the hospital. After that week, my MIL took my oldest (she was 16 at the time) to the store and bought us groceries for i think a week and then brought us dinner that night. It's a huge blessing to have had that support, and I'm glad you have that. Sending you tons of prayers and all the hugs.

  8. Erikarae S
    Erikarae S says:

    Have they done a EMG on you yet to test your muscles and nerves? I wonder if this is the same thing that was wrong with your leg? Did you ever get answers on that?

  9. Mika Peeple
    Mika Peeple says:

    Do not eat anything greasy or fatty. For a while. Drink milk. If you have a balloon try lightly blowing it up with soft breaths it will help keep and increase your lung capacity after a surgery. You blow it up 5 times about 2-3 times a day. Love that Gary is so willing to help with the video and if he doesn't video a lot because he's taking care of his family, his God given responsibility. That's ok. We Love you and your family and just want you healthy. Still praying for you.

  10. Maritza Velázquez
    Maritza Velázquez says:

    Hi Tiffany, I had Godbladder surgery 3 years ago and before I knew I had this problem with my Godbladder I had the sane issues like you I passed out few times and I felt weak, until I started to had the pain and when I went to the hospital they told me that I had multiple stones, probably how you felt the last couples a week is related to that, thanks God after my surgery I felt wonderful and eat everything no complain at all, I'll keep praying for your prompt recovery, God bless!!

  11. Sandra Bolton
    Sandra Bolton says:

    My sister had her gallbladder removed a couple of years ago. She was sick and dizzy and after lots of test she was taken back for emergency surgery. Said they abbreviate it BAD . In saying all of that there is a meal plan online type in GALLBLADDER meal menu. It will give you breakfast lunch and supper ideas. Take care

  12. Beverly Steiger
    Beverly Steiger says:

    It is great to see you again. Gerry is a blessing and a great role model. Many of us have husbands who would step up like this. I feel bad for those who don’t. Take care if yourself. Prayers continue. It’s very disturbing that you were released without discharge instructions. I even had two pages last week when I had knee surgery.

  13. Cynthia Mical
    Cynthia Mical says:

    I had gallbladder surgery in 1985. I have learned over the years that your stomach does not like raw onions. Also, what the nurse said below is so true about the bathroom and diarrhea and the thing is that one time foods will upset your stomach and the next time it won't so you never know. Even though my surgery was so long ago the problems are still the same. I hate to tell you this but it is true. I know where every bathroom is in every store where we live. It also does not have to be raw foods they can be cooked as well. Tiffany we watch all your shows and I have asked my friends and church family to pray for you and your family. I certainly pray you don't get the same effects I have had but always be prepared. Not trying to be a Debbie Downer but I just want you to be prepared. Eat light at first and small meals. You have a great husband. God Bless You.

  14. bh1958bjbj
    bh1958bjbj says:

    I'm going to tell you to watch your fat . You can't eat it but if you eat something with fiber after dinner that would work. Fiber will catch the fact this is a nut shell. Eat fiber after eating fat . Or eat it before you eat fat

  15. KendraS90
    KendraS90 says:

    My father in law had his gallbladder out a few weeks ago and they rushed him out the door also. He was still half groggy when they sent him home! Hoping all continues to go well for you. Continuing to pray 🙏 I look forward to see you again everyday once all is well. It's like catching up with a friend ☺️


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