I discuss community post rage & reading ft. Foodie Beauty

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36 replies
  1. C.Jewell
    C.Jewell says:

    Does she really believe these lies!?! Or is she just blatantly lying. She kept saying she was taking the cats to the vet before Kuwait because ppl told her too & of course she was just so busy and never got around to it. Busy getting high , eating and sitting on her fat lazy arse.

  2. MeganRae
    MeganRae says:

    Marley Hendrix just did a Canada vs Kuwait cooking comparison and when she made Mac and cheese in Canada, she specifically pointed out she was using a high fiber pasta to help counter the cheese.

    Also, I’ve had a Gorgonzola sauce with gnocchi in Italy, and you could totally do that with cauliflower gnocchi 😄

  3. Leelou WitchyPoo
    Leelou WitchyPoo says:

    Love how the tank calls herself "overweight" but calls everyone else obese. Ma'am you are not chubby or overweight. You are super morbidly obese. The people who react to you aren't. Keep eating & licking your fingers for the audience 😂😂

  4. Lady Daisy
    Lady Daisy says:

    OMG foodie is so infuriating with her retelling of events. We watched it all and there’s video proof and vet document proof yet she still brings it up and tries to rewrite history.

  5. My Queer Plant Family
    My Queer Plant Family says:

    If Foodie is claiming they paid $24,000 (USD) plus whatever the features cost in cash for that car – wouldn’t that money have been better spent on her massive tax debt when they supposedly already had a working car?

  6. Alyssa M
    Alyssa M says:

    Accent was hilarious 😂. I’m quite surprised I didn’t wake the entire house!!! Well done Pulpy!! You’ve helped me so much through my depression after dealing with a broken back and 3 back surgeries! Thanks for being you and providing all the laughs!!! ❤❤❤

  7. Jahoo
    Jahoo says:

    I am SO TIRED of the BBJ stuff coming up again and again and again. She’s safe now. Wish they would stop bringing her up because for the 200th time, we all know how she neglected her. I thought BBJ was supposed to live her golden years offline. But some people admittedly like to poke the bear I guess.

  8. Snowcat Tish
    Snowcat Tish says:

    Riddle me this Batman…
    She keeps looking at Snoopy off camera…all of those groceries that she doesn't know what they are why isn't she asking Snoopy what this stuff is?
    Make it make sense. 🙄

  9. Snowcat Tish
    Snowcat Tish says:

    Thank you for the Snoopy explanation 😂
    I'm a casual viewer and I've been wondering where the nickname came from. 😆😆

    I've never seen ground lamb meat so I looked it up…yeah it's supposed to be red like ground beef.
    So even if she thought she was buying ground beef…why is she buying gray ground beef? 🤢

  10. Rose M
    Rose M says:

    Pulpy rhetorically asking Foodie where's the fiber is almost as funny as her telling us she's starting therapy soon 🤣
    Btw, I just fried cubes made of ho-made (😆) lentil 'tofu' and they were so fluffy and good! Seriously were very similar to airy potatoes. I'm so happy.
    If I had the courage to make mac 'n cheese I'd add blue cheese. But I can't overdo fat so I'd probably go with no butter, no full fat cream, just oil, milk and blue cheese. And unshaky parm.
    Love how you aggressively eat your feelings while lecturing us about our misery, Foodie..


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