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22 replies
  1. Marilyn Capehart
    Marilyn Capehart says:

    Be Careful Glenda., Just be Careful Pls., God will bless you also Glenda., Get one of those bars that you put up to the door knob., I have one from Home-Depot or on line just to feel Safe for myself, I live in a Senior Complex with about 50 Apartments & I feel Safe in my Building 3-22-2022🙏🏾♥️

  2. Kendra Smith
    Kendra Smith says:

    Glenda, you are so kind. This lady that was planning on taking your food, she was blessed by your kindness. That's so cool. Your ham dinner looked so good. I love sweet potatoes and Brussel sprouts. I love you and your channel. Thanks so much for sharing. I do like butter better than margarine. I try to wait for Krogers to put their butter on sale and buy it then. It's usually 2.49 for a lb, when on sale. I am not fond of the taste of margarine, really. Hugs to you. You are such a kind and caring person ❤ – Kendra

  3. Wanda Panick
    Wanda Panick says:

    That was very kind to pay it forward miss Glenda. I believe God protects those who do his work. If she was stealing she will answer for that if she was lying she will answer for that. You did what you felt glad to do and that's never a bad thing. I think if more people were kind and giving we wouldn't have Hunger in this world we live in a land of plenty we're most our needy and it just breaks my heart. Next time I have a wait outside and you bring the items to her if she's truly that hungry she will wait for you there. Remember that God's angels look look so different to us than what we look for if what we look for if you get a chance listen to a song it's a spoken song by Reba McIntyre called call the Christmas guest it will change the way you view those around you and the way they look. My God-bless you always.

  4. Izalixe Straightheart
    Izalixe Straightheart says:

    You took "kill them with kindness" to a new level!! ❤ But i concur with other people here, please don't let strangers in your house… You were alone and anything could have happened… Some people will kill for 10$. She obviously was lying about her rent. Nobody who pays 2000$ in rent gets food stamps LOL. They check people's income and where they live and they would tell her to move to a more affordable place.

  5. Linnie Penny
    Linnie Penny says:

    Glenda you are so kind and tender hearted, but please be careful sometimes these kind of desperate people will not only steal from you but could possibly do you bodily harm. Never let them in your home. If you want to give them something make them wait outside. Please stay safe! I Love you dearly….Linnie

  6. pink sparkle
    pink sparkle says:

    Be Careful. One time I helped a lady who said her and her Son were hungry, I let them in my Home her Son played with mine. She asked me to meet her at the School one day for our Children to play together…..I had a weird feeling about it all, next thing I knew I had a break in and her Husband had come while she was keeping me busy at the School to Rob us…..she checked it all out what I had and told him, she kept me busy and he hit on our Home…..never let a Stranger in or anyone that does not feel right !! I Iearnt my lesson. ( the Neighbours got pictures of him )

  7. Pia Hess
    Pia Hess says:

    Hello,you are a generous kind Christian lady.It was nice that you gave some foods and that money to this Woman in need.I have to agree with other folks suggesting you not let her or other folks into your place.It would be different if you had gotten to know her better and all.It's a shame we have to be soo careful these day's,but we do.Glad you are getting food supplements and gifts from your Subscriber's to help you out.Be well and your sweet Family to.Happy Spring Glenda.Much Love,Pia&Honey kitty and ilsa doggie.XOXOXOXO……😘🙏❤🐈🐕👍

  8. Susie
    Susie says:

    Not very smart to let a complete stranger in your home. You are very lucky that she didn’t jump you or hurt you and take everything you have. I hope you don’t do that again… that is way too trusting Ms. Glenda! ❤️🙏🏻

  9. Deb Briggs
    Deb Briggs says:

    I use butter now and was raised on "oleo" too. Dont know why but margarine doesn't seem to taste the same as when we were young; It just seems to taste different today.

  10. Scarlett RoseTX
    Scarlett RoseTX says:

    I know you were out babysitting for your daughter but these days you can never be too careful. I know crime happens anytime but after dark when you are alone and a senior citizen you risk is very high for becoming a victim to crime. You are probably not the only one she attempted to steal from. If you haven’t already please let your manager’s office know about this incident so that the other residents become aware of this lady.


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