I can’t Get My Baby To Eat Anything But Fast Food (Full Documentary) | Real Families

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A shocking documentary revealing babies and toddlers being raised on diets of fast food, fries, burgers and pizza, all washed …

43 replies
  1. C A
    C A says:

    Surprised Child Protective Agency hasn't paid a visit…sodas and fast food a child that young will give them health issues and diabetes!! FFS this is insane

  2. Anne Stovgaard
    Anne Stovgaard says:

    Why are these people allowed to breed? Apparently it´s super hero kids, with lot´s of money, so they can order the food … or is it the "adult" that makes that choice for them.. omg.

  3. kinder please
    kinder please says:

    I wonder where they get the money for fast food all the damn time. 😭 And what happened to “we have food at the house” when asked for fast food ?
    The parents are the enablers.😭

  4. Nikki Kidd
    Nikki Kidd says:

    Regardless of how unhealthy and terrifying this is, I feel like it’s important to not waste energy on blaming and shaming these parents because they have seen the error in the ways and want to change. And when things are this bad I feel like a slower approach may work better than going cold turkey. Although I guess that maybe having the junk as an option it’s a constant reminder of what they would rather be eating causing confusion and frustration. Gosh I probably have no idea what I am talking about lol

  5. Nonnie Watson
    Nonnie Watson says:

    You only bring into your home what you want to feet your children… 95percent of kids will eat fresh green beans if that's what they are given right after baby food… Peas .. boiled or roasted carrots…

    These parents are abusing their kids… Plain and simple

  6. Christine Creasey
    Christine Creasey says:

    How can a 19 year old mother feed junk food and give that much cola too, and she wonders why her child won’t sleep, I mean really? It’s not that difficult to prepare a meal, she’s just lazy, she finds time to go out with her friends though

  7. Kenneth Young
    Kenneth Young says:

    I am Canadian and this is crazy . We do not have these dental Issues. So shocking. Balanced diet for gods sake! Brush their teeth and no pacifier or bottle. Get everyone involved in cooking and growing veggies! So lazy and expensive.

  8. Amanda B
    Amanda B says:

    The title should be "I've conditioned my children to eat nothing but fast food". If you want your children to change, just STOP buying garbage food. One family their son ate nothing but chocolate, and chips and chocolate yogurt and he was 8. Parents need to learn how to say NO.

  9. 248up906
    248up906 says:

    actually nothing is better than giving in every time with fast food. let him skip eating breakfast and lunch if he doesn't like whats served. he will eat by dinner time. also dont let them fill up on milk. only 1 cup of juice and the rest water until they eat. then they get milk.

  10. Angie Mitchell
    Angie Mitchell says:

    I cant not believe that those idiots are letting a 18 month old baby rule their life like that. HE IS A BABY!!! I have never seen people scared to parent their kids before. If he throws a fit and refuses to eat then you let him know that he eats what is in front of him or he gets nothing. And stop putting so much food on his plate at once, put a small portion of each food on his plate that way its not so overwhelming, and stop making such a big deal about everything while he is at the table. Put the plate in front of him, give him a fork or spoon tell him to eat it and then just sit there and have a conversation about your day or whatever. The less attention you make the less fit your kid is going to have.

  11. LibranPoet Nostalgiac
    LibranPoet Nostalgiac says:

    Here in America, fast food is a major problem. I'm most certain it contributed to my horrible diagnosis of Microscopic Collagenous Colitis at 46. I ate healthy too, but the greasy foods mixed with stress and menopause made for the perfect storm. I now eat gluten and dairy free and am contained to chicken, fish, rice, very few well-cooked veggies and fruits. I loved all food, but the symptoms from my disease put a stop to that. I am glad these families are getting help.

  12. Angie Mitchell
    Angie Mitchell says:

    These parents are lazy!!! If you start teaching them as a baby to eat good food and food that you fix at home then you don't have to worry about them eating fast food and junk!!! There's nothing wrong with going out to eat once in awhile as a treat, but giving your baby 6 cans of soda a day is child abuse. I can't imagine how bad that child feels especially when his sugar crashes and he doesn't understand what is going on. All of these kids are very unhealthy, and every single one of these parents should be charged with child neglect. Its absolutely disgusting that they have let their children suffer and have to have someone tell them how to properly feed their children. Thats why some people should have to take a iq test before they are allowed to have kids.


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