I ate these 4 HIGH FIBER FOODS every day and lost 60lbs of fat

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Today I share 4 HIGH FIBER FOODS that helped me lose almost 60lbs on my vegan weight loss journey! Eating wfpb high fiber …

24 replies
  1. @NoraGsNook
    @NoraGsNook says:

    Girlllll it’s been a minute!!! I was surprised to get YouTube notification today for this. Haven’t seen you on my home page in forever. So glad to see you again ❤❤❤

  2. @l.j.2043
    @l.j.2043 says:

    Still not able to tolerate beans, but will try the quinoa, more potatoes and more oats for now. Can't wait till I can get back to eating them without issues!. Thanks Stasia for your videos. I enjoy them a lot.

  3. @mohawksteel2215
    @mohawksteel2215 says:

    I read that a man lived on nothing but potatoes for 2 years and was perfectly healthy. For those who do not need variety Spuds are A1. The Great wall of China was built on Rice and the Aztec pyramids on corn. I love my STARCH. Thank you for the inspiration.

  4. @karlafoster1935
    @karlafoster1935 says:

    Thank you Stasia…..Just want to toot my horn about your WONDERFUL videos…. Love the shakes…Potatoes/beans have stopped me from the desire to binge. Your books/videos make living this lifestyle fun and easy. 🙂

  5. @CharGC123
    @CharGC123 says:

    I've really learned to love beans too, and try to incorporate them into about everything! They are so versatile, from thickening soups, sauces, and smoothies, to replacing flour in baked goods, mixed whole with grains and added to recipes, as the base for all kinds of spreads, and on and on! My current favorite is a healthy, super easy-cheesy fermented, smoky, spread for my daily veggie wraps, that is very reminiscent of a smoked cheese. Basically blended white beans, oats, and hemp hearts, fermented with miso and my homemade live "oatgurt". The fermentation not only makes it taste awesome but it's also full of probiotics! Another bonus… the fermentation preserves it so lasts in the fridge quite a while. I make it a quart at a time and it usually lasts me a couple of weeks.
    I love jasmine rice but have taken to cooking it 50-50 with quinoa to enjoy the best of both… and also stretch the meager budget!
    And oats… love love love them, another really versatile food! And who doesn't love potatoes! I will never understand carb phobia and low carb diets!

  6. @bilgedemirbas383
    @bilgedemirbas383 says:

    Thanks for the video!
    Have you prepared soy beans? I have dry soy beans at home that I wanted to make soy milk with but I’m wondering if I can cook them and eat like other beans. Thanks Stasia!

  7. @sweetcake405
    @sweetcake405 says:

    Thank you for all your inspriation, I love the shakes I've tried and I think my middle name is potato, oats are so good in so many ways, I love savory oats loaded with veggies, I need to do more quinoa, I like it just don't think about is all the time. Thanks so much again

  8. @ellenshealthykitchen
    @ellenshealthykitchen says:

    Beans, potatoes, oats, quinoa. A quadruple whopping group of fiber-rich foods that have 100% helped me lose my last ten lbs AND keep them off. In a million years, I never thought I’d eat potatoes like it was my job, LOL. Thx for your videos – you constantly remind me that this lifestyle is not only sustainable but delicious. Especially for women like me who have gone through menopause, are in their 60’s or older (I’m 69), and are fed up with diets!


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